Abducted by Dreams or The Religion of Dream
Abducted by Dreams or The Religion of Dream
Abducted by dreams. A religion inspired by our own inner reality, dreams. Let it be our Religion of Dreams.
Oil on canvas, 24 inches by 20 inches, 2010
Original painting available for purchase from Saatchi Art

At an early age, I was introduced, by way of astral projection to a technique that has its roots in what can only be described as time travel. As a result, I understood the technique to be a way of alleviating trauma precipitated by disagreeable dreams. Over time I came to realize that the concept could be expanded to embrace what can only be termed as time travel.
Through the years I have been asked many times by individuals to assist them with negative issues of dream experiences.
In extreme examples we are talking of being abducted by dreams, meaning an inability to alleviate ourselves from their influence. This is a form of slavery.
There are dreams we find disturbing upon waking and the experience continues to hang onto us and trouble us through the course of the day.
A Technique of Dream Control
First, find yourself a quiet space where you can sit or lie and take time to relax. Once you have become calm move your mind back to your dream, and relive it from the beginning. Upon reaching the point in the dream that created the crisis change it.
It was from these experiences I realized I was practicing a form of time travel. By projecting the mind back to a disturbing event in the past and changing our perspective on that incident we can impact our present and future. This technique, of going back in time to an earlier event in our life journey, changes our present to impact our future.
It is worth considering expanding on this theory of abduction by dreams to utilize the technique to move through past and future incarnations.
Featured in the show
Abducted by Dreams Solo Show Feb 2010 Espresso Royale Cafe, 1229 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403-1707
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