Books by Roger Williamson
Books by Roger Williamson
Books by Minneapolis author Roger Williamson are available from Amazon and Magus Books and Herbs.
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On The Arrival of the Machine
and its Mode of Operations
Lucifers: A Basic Handbook
of Luciferian Sorcery
Minneapolis author and visual artist
Born in Loughborough, England, in 1947 and growing up in Coventry Roger Williamson was inspired from an early age by the French Symbolist painters of late nineteenth-century France,
These artistic influences, in conjunction with his esoteric upbringing and practical experiences of mythology and dream control, form the matrix, a collective oeuvre upon which his paintings and writings are an extension.
Using diverse creative media, whether painting or writing books, Roger Williamson endeavors to develop techniques that materialize the sensuous dreaming experience into the language of the waking world. Aspiring to reintroduce mystery and ambiguity back into the adventure of human existence through the creative process, encouraging artistic audiences towards “living effulgent and invigorating lives, revitalized from the secretions of our subconscious.”
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