Nightside QBL An Alternative View

Nightside An Alternative View

In exploring the Nightside Qlippoth Tree and its connection to the Lightside QBL Tree, I propose that there is only one QBL Tree. This singular tree consists of four interconnected worlds, forming a circular and self-sustaining machine.

Dayside, Nightside Tree, the Traditional Perspective

There is a widespread belief in the existence of two QBL Trees of Life: the Light (Dayside) Tree and the Dark (Nightside) Tree. Commonly, these are represented as:

Fig 1: The Light Tree

inverted tree of life, kabbalah

Fig 2: The Dark Tree (inverted Light Tree)

Qlippoth , nightside, kabbalah, cabala, qabbalah, magick, liber 231

When juxtaposed, they create a combined representation (Fig 3) often used to depict this dual perspective.

kabbalah, cabala, , magick, liber 231
Fig 3

Qlippoth Tree, Nightside an Alternative Perspective

There is a valid argument to be made regarding this viewpoint. However, it is also worth considering that when we perceive that everything is subjective, we realize that only a single Tree exists.

Diving deeper into this argument and exploring the implications of perceiving reality as a singular entity is beneficial. By recognizing the interconnectedness of the various realms within the QBL, we acknowledge that they function harmoniously together, with each realm influencing and being influenced by the others. In the state of being alive, the four realms of the QBL (Qabalah) are interconnected and interdependent, akin to the gears in a machine, as depicted in Figure 4, often referred to as the “Jacob’s Ladder” arrangement. This understanding underscores the notion that all aspects of existence are intertwined and cannot be isolated from one another.

QBL Machine

Moreover, the analogy of a machine with gears serves as a useful representation of the intricate workings of the QBL. Just as the gears in a well-functioning machine depend on each other to perform their intended tasks, the different realms within the QBL similarly rely on each other. This visual metaphor emphasizes the interconnected nature of these realms and highlights the significance of their collective functioning.

To further advance this argument, exploring how this perspective aligns with various philosophical, magickal, or metaphysical concepts may be worthwhile.

Jacob's Ladder, inverted tree of life, kabbalah, tarot cards, minor arcana
Fig 4

A study of this diagram reveals that when the worlds are arranged as in Fig 4, the sphere Daath, which traditionally does not exist, does exist because it is the Yesod of the world above.  One could describe Daath as being an apparition or alien intrusion of Yesod from the world above.

When a body dies, these four worlds disengage and the sphere Daath is no longer present.  Daath, therefore, is a quality exhibited in a body when it is alive but is not present after the point of death.

Be aware, that it is not only Daath and Yesod that align, other sephirah and paths resonate with each other:  Kether Tiphareth and Malkuth, Binah and Hod, Chokmah and Netzach and paths, Daleth which connects Chokmah to Briah and Peh, which connects Netzach to Hod, the tarot cards the Empress and the Tower. 

Resonating paths can be considered as combinations of notes in music that create a chord, a harmonic. When we look at Fig 4 we see the four worlds, Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah are engaged. 

The Four Worlds Are a Circle

We can take this further by making the four worlds into a circle, by connecting the two “X”, fig 5.

fig 5

By connecting the points labelled “X” in Figure 5, the four worlds form a complete circle, where realms align in a continuous loop. This arrangement challenges the traditional linear navigation of the Tree and presents a new perspective when crossing its diameter.

With this circular approach, our understanding shifts – each Kether aligns with each Tiphareth and Malkuth, highlighting how the perceived inversion of the Tree reflects changes in our perspective.

New Rational of the Qlippoth Tree

Some would call this the Qlippoth Tree or Nightside Tree. However, it only appears to be Qlippothic if we fail to adjust our perspective to the new environment. That is, we are inverted, not the tree, and we need to adjust and realign to the new conditions. 

The condition is like that of being outside of the Earth in space where there is no up or down. When we travel across the diameter of the circle, we are making a dimension shift demanding we make a perspective change to adjust to our new environment. If we do not, when we arrive at our destination, the surroundings will be disordered and chaotic, a condition traditionally referred to as the Nightside or Hell. Regarding perception, here is a quote from William Blake from his work The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite”. All this helps us understand that one man’s god is another man’s demon.

Jacob’s Ladder Overview

The Jacob’s Ladder arrangement of the QBL Tree symbolically represents the interconnectedness of the four worlds in the QBL system: Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah. Unlike the conventional stack-like arrangement, this arrangement emphasizes the harmony and interplay between these worlds.

Expanding on the traditional concept of the Qlippoth from Jacob’s Ladder perspective, envisioning it as a circular formation by linking the two “X” points, we give rise to a three-dimensional, self-sustaining machine. With this perspective we are liberated from societal and religious influences, allowing us to reconnect with the mindset of our ancestors who embraced their place within nature and respected all forms of existence. By accepting the entirety of what exists, seen and unseen, we recognize unity expressed through diversity and the infinite growth that stems from it.

Assimilation of Jacob’s Ladder Overview

Understanding and assimilating the Jacob’s Ladder concept of the QBL Tree cultivates a natural state of symbiosis within the practitioner. This state activates the gears of the QBL machine, represented by the spheres of the Tree, resulting in a deeper engagement with its energies through awakening the relationship between the spheres, and 22 paths. 

Comprehending Jacob’s Ladder enhances our understanding of reality and our place within it, promoting inner peace and facilitating positive change. By working with these energies, we can manifest our goals and aid others in their healing journeys.


Embracing the QBL Tree as a singular, interconnected entity enriches our spiritual and practical endeavours and unveils the harmonious unity that permeates all of existence.

See Also

QBL Dream Linguistics

Art and Magick a Presentation

Suggested Reading

Nightside of Eden                            Kenneth Grant

Typhonian Teratomas                    Mishlen Linden

Liber 231                                           Aleister Crowley

Lucifer Diaries                                  Roger Williamson

Howling at the Sky                          Roger Williamson

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