Tag Archives: Sagittarius

Decans of Sagittarius and Their Tarot Allocations

Decans of Sagittarius and Their Tarot Correspondences Tarot Eight of Fire, Wands: Swiftness Minor Arcana, First Decan Sagittarius Tarot Eight Fire and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Eight express attributes of Hod, the eighth sphere on the QBL Tree of Life, whose title is Splendor. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Hod is Mercury.  Minor arcana cards numbered “Eight” exhibit this astrological body’s quality influenced by their elemental suit of fire, water, air or earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth, Water: Briah, Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah. Astrological Decan […]

Decans of Sagittarius and their tarot card correspondences.