Tarot Court Cards

Minor Arcana Tarot Court Cards

Fire Wands, Water Cups, Air Swords, Earth Pentacles

tarot court cards,tarot, fire, wants, batons,court cards
Fire corresponding to Wands
Water corresponding to Cups
tarot court cards, personality types
Air corresponding to Swords
Tarot Court Cards
Earth corresponding to Pentacles

Tarot  Court Cards Knights, Queens, and Princes represent human personality types derived from the twelve astrological sun signs of the celestial zodiac.

These Court cards are the modus operandi through which the bicameral mind articulates its decan signature transmissions into the reasoning functions of the human biological machine.

Princesses Court Cards originate from the four traditional elements of fire, water, air, and earth. They express the combined personalities of the other three Court Cards of her suite, Knight, Queens, and Princes. Princesses are extremely powerful and the nature of that power will be colored by adjacent cards.

Princesses are allocated to the four directions of space around the Northern Pole. Their flow around the axis of the Pole is a reference to correspondence to the progression of the equinoxes signifying the Great Year, a period of approximately 25800 years.

Each personality type when appearing in a tarot card reading will be colored and enriched by cards adjacent to them.

Gematria Considerations

Gematria is a cryptograph in the form of a word whose letters have the numerical values of a word,  words, or phrase taken as the hidden meaning.

There are sixteen Court Cards that represent the Goddess par excellence. This is derived from sixteen being the numerical value of the Hebrew word הִיא meaning She.

16 = 4 x 4, the four faces of the Sphinx.

Taro, Rota, have gematria values of 280, 280 = 16.

28 the number of days in a lunar cycle. 280 can therefore correspond to 10 lunar months. 10 lunar months is the duration of human pregnancy. See What is a lunar month in pregnancy

tarot court cards,tarot, fire, wants, batons,court cards
Fire corresponding to Wands
Water corresponding to Cups
tarot court cards, personality types
Air corresponding to Swords
Tarot Court Cards
Earth corresponding to Pentacles

Tarot  Court Cards Knights, Queens, and Princes represent human personality types derived from the twelve astrological sun signs of the zodiac.

Princess Court Cards originate from the four traditional elements of fire, water, air, and earth. They express the combined personalities of the other three Court Cards of her suit: Knight, Queens and Princes. 

The Princess of an Element is a gate to other worlds outside of the one she inhabits. She gives birth to beings from these other worlds into her own. See Fig 1

When she unites with the Prince the Four Worlds of the QBL engage and Daath¹ appears.

As an example, the intercourse of the Princess of Fire/Atziluth with the Prince of Water/Briah conceives the Ace of Air the seed of Yetzirah. See Fig 1

The Golden Dawn attributes age groups to the Court Cards: Knights are men over 40, Queens are women over 40, Princes are men under 40 and Princesses are women under 40. However, I find it to be more appropriate to go by elemental composites and astrological astrological attributions. This is also true of gender. A man may find that the Queen of Swords fits his personality type better than a male card. The gender allocations of Knight Queen etc are better suited to active or passive personality types rather than gender.

Tarot Court Cards and the QBL

Court cards are allocated to specific sephirah of the QBL Tree of Life and have the qualities of those globes. These attributes are expressed through the corresponding elemental characteristics of the suit they are allocated to: fire, water, air, and earth.

Each of the four Knights is allocated to one of the four worlds of the QBL Tree of Life and falls on the second sephirah Chokmah.

Knight of Fire World of Atziluth

Knight of Water World of Briah

Knight of Air World of Yetzirah

Knight of Earth World of Assiah

The planetary attribute of Chokman is Uranus, so each Knight will exhibit qualities of Uranus coloured by its elemental quality.

Queens are allocated to Binah and the planetary influence of Saturn

Princes are allocated to Tiphareth and the planetary influence of Sol

Princesses are allocated to Malkuth and the material aspect of the element she represents.

Examination of Fig 1 reveals that Tiphareth Princes and Malkuth Princesses resonate, and overlap with one another, and through this engagement, the catalyst for the appearance of Daath on the Tree of Life is ignited.

qbl,tree of life,cabala,Kabbalah,magick,nightside
Fig 1

Also included in this overlap is Kether. The QBL says that Kether is in Malkuth as Malkuth is in Kether.  In this arrangement of the four worlds, we can see that the statement is true.

The depth of personality of each of these court cards will be enriched by cards adjacent to them. As an example, when the Queen of Air is influenced by Water she will express her analytical tendencies in a flowing relaxed poetic discourse whereas when influenced by Fire she will be aggressively dynamic with a tendency to rush to judgment.

See Qlippoth An Alternative View for more information

Allocation of digit Minor Arcana cards to the elemental Court personality cards are taken from The Golden Dawn tarot system.

¹ This is a depiction of the Four Worlds of the QBL This arrangement illustrates the appearance of Daath on the Tree, it being the Yesod of the World above. This model is a depiction, symbolic representation of a body when it is alive. Upon death, the Four Worlds disengage and Daath is no more.

