Third Decan Taurus, Tarot Seven Earth
Third Decan Taurus, Tarot Seven Earth
Tarot Seven Earth, Pentacles, Taurus, Failure

The third decan Taurus, Seven Earth Seven of Pentacles attributed to the tarot minor arcana card Seven Earth also known as Seven of Pentacles. Tarot Seven Earth and the Minor Arcana cards numbered Seven express attributes of Netzach, the seventh sphere of the QBL Tree of Life. The title of Netzach is Victory and allocated to it is the astrological body Venus.
Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence
The planetary correspondence of Netzach is Venus. Each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Seven” expresses this planet’s quality colored by their elemental suit: fire, water, air, and earth.
These suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire Atziluth, Water Briah, Air Yetzirah, and Earth Assiah.
Third decan Taurus Astrological Allocation
Tarot Seven Earth, Seven Pentacles, is the third decan of Taurus whose planetary attribution is Saturn.
The combination of Seven, Venus, and the decan planetary attribute of Saturn is summed up by the card’s title of Failure.
A combination of Venus and Saturn in Earth indicates a delay in growth in material and physical undertakings. Therefore the Material Success achieved with Six Earth leads to nothing.
Failure is the title of Seven Earth representing the third decan of the astrological sign of Taurus.
The third decan of Taurus is allocated to Saturn whose influence, combined with Venus in Taurus, brings out qualities of sensuality.
One might consider this quality of sensuality as the catalyst for Failure, which in some situations it could well be. However, we should do well to consider how sensuality can be directed towards one’s advancement.
In this example, other cards of a Machiavellian persuasion would illustrate an appearance of this personality type behavior.
Netzach has the attribute of victory and with victory can come complacency and neglect of focus a situation illustrated by the appearance of Seven Earth.
The card speaks of the condition encountered when we fail to act on opportunities materialized by the previous card Six Earth. Loss of interest in a project or boredom are other signatures of this state.
The influence of Venus induces contentment and enjoyment of one’s achievements. When in conjunction with Saturn, a state of non-activity is created where past success is dissipated.
The Lotus Eaters featured in Homer’s Odyssey are an apt depiction of this human personality condition.
Personality Type
The character qualities of Knight of Air are those best suited to receive and translate the specific ancestral voice of this decan.
Because of the union of Venus and Saturn in this decan, an analytical personality is highlighted. This can result in overcoming the negativity of the card due to a level-headed focus, decisive, and singleness of purpose focus. This is a key factor in the resolution of problems indicated by the card.
These personality traits are expressed by the Knight of Air because this character corresponds to Libra. Libra has the elemental quality Fire of Air which expresses the need for balance.
Decan Signature
When interpreting minor arcana cards listen out for the inner voice of the decan for resolution. This will avoid getting confused by background chatter.
In this example of Seven of Earth, the conjunction of major arcana cards Hierophant and Universe, corresponding to Taurus and Saturn, are the specific signature of this decan and will be projected through the personality type represented by the Knight of Air.
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