A Magickal Formula

A Magickal Formula

Reconciliation of gender diversity functions within the human biological machine evoking knowledge of Self Love.

a magickal formula, 16, Daemon

Oil on Wood, 48 x 48 inches, 2023

A Magickal Formula. Represents the union of our conscious and subconscious minds. It signifies the awakening of our true potential by embracing both our masculine and feminine energies.

See the Jacobs Ladder QBL Arrangement for an explanation of the association between the tarot court cards Princess of Fire and Prince of Water. It assists in understanding the interaction between the Ancient Egyptian concepts of Ba and Ka¹.

¹ Ka is a person’s double separate from the physical body. Our conscious sense of personal identity. Tiphareth of Briah. Air of Water, Prince of Water. Ba is our daemon. Malkuth of Atziluth. Earth of Fire, Princess of Fire.


