Awakening Fire: Sun Aries
Awakening Fire: Sun in Aries
Awakening Fire is a concept realized by the Sun in Aries and depicted in the image of the major arcana tarot card Emperor. The Emperor is depicted as Lord of both worlds, Upper and Lower Egypt, symbolized by the plants of these two regions, the lotus and the papyrus. From a metaphysical perspective, these two worlds are the seen and unseen, the waking self and our subconscious self. The principles are represented in ancient Egyptian belief as our Ka, conscious self, and our Ba, our daemon, unconscious self.
It is the fusion of these two principles, that bestows upon us the jewel of self-empowerment allowing us to move beyond and out of our comfort zones. In the words of Hermann Hesse from his novel “Demian“¹, The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world.
Aries is ruled by Mars a planet representing dynamic change and action. In conjunction with the Sun, we witness a dynamic combination. See the tarot card Tower which represents the quality and effects of Mars.
The Emperor represents our courage to go beyond the material and explore the metaphysical, freeing our consciousness so we can break the boundaries of what is known and explore the unseen. This reminds us that freedom comes with the willingness to take responsibility for our choices and actions. The card symbolizes freedom—an ability to be true to ourselves, recognize our inner strength, and bring balance and harmony to our lives.
What is Freedom if not Awakening Fire
Freedom is our chosen perspective which encourages us to believe we have command over our destiny. Furthermore, this is highlighted in the three decan cards the Emperor rules. These cards include Two of Fire Dominion, Three of Fire Virtue (also called Established Strength), and Four of Fire Perfected Work.
To understand the cards better, consider what happens in the natural world when the Sun enters Aries. You can discern its meaning in your question by translating this astrological phenomenon as a metaphor.
Interpretation must come from within one’s self through listening to our inner voice. Take time to read Julian Jaynes’s thought-provoking book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind to understand the impact of what lies behind this simple statement.
The Emperor represents the archetypal voice behind the Two, Three, and Four, of Fire. If you find yourself unable to interpret the appearance of these three cards in a reading, it can be helpful to let your mind fall back upon the Emperor and listen for a resolution to the conundrum.
For a detailed analysis of the Two, Three, and Four of Fire minor arcana cards click on their images below. To see all Fire minor arcana cards go HERE
¹ Demian, The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth, first published 1919
Tarot of the Morning Star revised and expanded second edition deck available from Gamecrafter
Tarot of the Morning Star Book reprinted
See Tarot Card Strength
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