Dream Language
Dream Language, Dream Linguistics
Dream Language, Dream Linguistics is the system utilized by The Circle which began as an exchange of correspondence with entities originating in the star system of Scorpio at the beginning of the 21st century.
Works such as Bram Stoker’s Jewel of the Seven Stars and Kenneth Grants’s The Stellar Lode, included in his collection of short stories The Other Child are both examples of the utilization of dream control.
Also, consider reading Doris Lessing Shikasta and the Sirian Experiments. These works address both physical and mental travel and communication between species of diverse planetary worlds.
Dream Linguistics as Secret World Synergetics
Dream linguistics is the language of interdimensional experience, which has close parallels with what is understood by semasiographic communication. It is a transmission that relies heavily on feeling and emotion, underscoring our need to pause our preoccupation with analysis.
Accessing these interdimensional regions is the prerequisite for self-empowerment. Anything worth learning is found within. The quest is the vehicle through which you are bequeathed answers divulged as a bouquet of self-love.
Learn to trust yourself.
The experience has several titles, depending upon the direction we are approaching the subject from: waking dreams, astral projection, scrying, vision quest, shamanic trance, etc.
Controlled Access to Dreaming
However, the magickal technique alone claims to be able to determine the pre-selected environment that will be arrived at.
The performance of a magical machine appropriate to the objective is initially performed to induce a controlled state of associated thinking not dissimilar to Julian Jaynes’s concept of archaic schizophrenia. This is done to enable the reception and transmission of speech and images that will be recognizable to both parties.
See Ritual Magic of the Golden Dawn by Francis King for multiple published experiences of this technique.
What we see, hear, feel and experience in dreaming zones need to be translated into the language of the waking world so we can truly rationalise what the dream world is communicating to us . This is no different to understanding communications from members of communities on our physical plane that do not speak our own language.
Gematria, as previously discussed, is an ideal vehicle for this intercommunication as it stimulates the intuitive faculties.
From my experience, these visits to the secret world are rarely one-off events. They build upon one another creating rich mosaics of interpretation, while leading simultaneously to further questions. Ambiguity stimulates our urge to quest for conclusions. Answers to questions result in further questions leading the traveller down unexpected avenues revealing vistas of cathedral-like proportion initiating the expansion of consciousness.
As a final thought refer to The Bible, The Koran and multiple other religious texts.
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