The Spell
Magick Spell
I Called And Something Came
Magick Spell oil on canvas, 20 inches by 16 inches, 2017
Purchase the original painting at Saatchi Art

The appearance of the spirit, which can often be seen in incense smoke, has close parallels to what is known as pareidolia, to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern, or the human ability to see shapes or make pictures out of randomness. The concept of pareidolia leaves us wondering whether the spirits are within or without, or maybe both.
What are these energies? Like ourselves they are systems which are facets of universal life force: the infinitely small and infinitely large existing in our dimension and also systems existing in other dimensions.
When we call on their powers during magical working, I believe that they can equally call on ours. Drawing on our energy which goes generally unnoticed by the lay person but to the magically empowered individual these currents can be detected and if need be resisted.
The individual, unable to resist, may fall victim to fatigue or sickness, while those possessing some insight into altered states of reality, but lacking the knowledge of its origins and laws may fall victim to mania.
There is a specific way of arranging the worlds of the Tree of Life so as to manifest Daath, the gateway leading into other dimensions. See Qlippoth an Alternative View.
The worlds when so arranged become the machine of the Merkabah. Like intermeshing gears, the worlds of the Tree engage to drive the Merkabah machine. In my short story “On The Arrival Of The Machine And Its Mode Of Operation” I provide a dramatization of the machines appearance and a description of its components.
When laying out a magic circle we are manufacturing a synthetic environment conducive for a specific energy to want to temporarily occupy it so that we can communicate with it to better understand what it is and to encourage its essence into our own sphere of sensation.
The technique is vampiric and follows the cycle of the eater and the eaten. The circle will be a synthesis of our life experiences relating to the specific energy we wish to contact.
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