Sun Virgo Tarot Hermit Self Healing
Sun Virgo Tarot Hermit
Sun in Virgo corresponds to the major arcana tarot card Hermit.
Close examination of the card reveals the eyes of the Hermit are closed, symbolizing answers to questions are obtained through introspection and the seeking elucidation from from within.
The Hermit derives resolution to uncertainty from learned personal experience, recalled through inner voice, in contradiction to relying on influences of society, media and social convention.
This inner voice, according to Julian Jaynes in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, was the voice of Gods and ancestors commonly listened to by our ancient forebears.
While within this inner world, the physical body of the Hermit is protected by the jackal headed figure in the background. This entity is a fusion of the Ancient Egyptian deities Wepwawet and Anubis, the wolf and the jackal.
The Ancient Egyptian title for Wepwawet is “Opener of the Ways” and that of Anubis “Foremost of the Westerners”.
The title “Opener of the Ways” suggests guidance and rite of passage. The epithet of Anubis as “Foremost of the Westerners”, the West being the Land of the Dead, is indicative of a resting place for mortal remains, embalmed, encapsulated physical self, memories. We can construe this as implying Anubis is guardian of the disengaged physical body that has been surrendered to allow the dreaming self to draw conclusions from the infinite.
In regard to an interpretation of the Hermits appearance, the card indicates this is only a temporary disengagement of the physical body from the inner self brought about by travelling the tunnels of the subconscious.
For my depiction of Hermit in Tarot of the Morning Star, the focus of guidance is the Hermit’s lantern represented by the Ancient Egyptian symbol of life, the ankh. The ankh, held in the Hermits right hand, is a mnemonic signaling that life’s guide for travelling the less trodden path is reason and logic, the light of life’s earned experiences.
This statement indicates the presence of a dynamic functioning between waking and subconscious poles which evokes resolution by hybridization resulting in an explanation of a dilemma.
To sum up, the card is a depiction of a process of self healing through introspection, which is the discipline and path of the shaman.
With these points in mind, the qualities represented by Virgo and the Hermit can be discerned.
Hermit is the Archetypal voice behind Eight, Nine and Ten of Earth. When unable to determine a meaning of Eight, Nine and Ten of Earth cards when they appear in a reading, allow your mind to flow back upon the image of the Hermit for elucidation.
Answers provided by the Hermit will be understood through the personality type Knight of Earth for Eight and Nine of Earth and personality type Queen of Air for the Ten of Earth.
See diagram Tarot Wheel for an illustration on the interrelationship between the three levels of the tarot, Major Arcana, Court Cards and Minor Arcana.
The original painting of Hermit is 24 inches by 18 inches , oil on board, available from Saatch Art
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