
Pandora, Anesidora

Pandora, Oil on wood panel, 96 inches by 48 inches, 2013 by symbolist painter Roger Williamson


Anesidora, she who sends up gifts, is a title of the Greek Pandora.

From the vase given to her by the Gods, it is she who releases man’s opportunities, the challenges we need to overcome so we might grow, 

This is the center panel of the triptych Fall of Man

Comments (2)

  1. Eileen Loro

    Roger I met you when you had Magus – did a Kundalini movie in the store. Have been following your work – really enjoy the progress I see in your paintings. So very spiritual and goddess in form. Thank you for sharing. Am working on another seminar in the Twin cities – maybe will meet up with you when there in Sept 2014.


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