Tarot Three Earth, Three Pentacles Three Earth, Pentacles, Coins and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Three, express attributes of Binah, the third sphere on the QBL Tree of life whose title is Understanding. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Binah is Saturn and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Three”, exhibit this planet’s quality colored by their corresponding elemental suit of fire, water, air or earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth, Water: Briah, Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah. Keep in mind the influence of Three is a backdrop […]
Category Archives: Mythology
Tarot Third Decan Scorpio Tarot Seven Water, Seven Cups: Illusionary Success Tarot third decan Scorpio corresponds to Seven Water, Cups and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Seven express attributes of Netzach, the seventh sphere on the QBL Tree of life, whose title is Victory. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Netzach is Venus and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Seven” exhibit this astrological body’s quality colored by their corresponding elemental suit of fire, water, air or earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth Water: Briah Air: Yetzirah and […]
Opening Reception Dreaming of Mythos Thursday November 4th, 2021 Time 6pm through 8pm Where University of Minnesota, Coffman Gallery, 300 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 There will be light refreshments for attendees. As far as COVID protocol goes, all persons inside University of Minnesota buildings (this includes the gallery space) must wear a mask at all times, except when actively eating or drinking. Featured Artists Bailey Larson, Gretchen Pickering, Jeff Musser, Morgan Mercer, Peighton Cooke, Roger Williamson Let the mysterious and fantastical steal you away in this stunning and surreal exhibition at the Coffman Gallery. Meet classical constructs, renaissance […]
Sun in Libra Tarot Justice Sun in Libra corresponds to the Tarot Major Arcana card, Justice. This card symbolizes an ideal that is often challenging to attain—a state of potential awaiting a decision. True strength and clarity come from within, urging us to heed our inner voice before making a choice. The message conveyed by the Justice card pertains to natural law, not humanities laws. Natural law is a system unswayed by human greed, fear, or other shortcomings. According to bicameral mind theory, this tarot card can represent the instinctive mind acting without emotion. It responds automatically and unequivocally to […]
Sun In Virgo Tarot Hermit Sun in Virgo corresponds to the major arcana tarot card Hermit. A close look at the card shows the Hermit’s eyes are closed. This symbolizes introspection and seeking answers from within. The Hermit prefers resolving uncertainty through personal experience rather than society’s ideas, media, or social norms. Julian Jaynes, in “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind,” argues that this inner voice was once seen as the voice of gods and ancestors. It was commonly listened to by our ancient forebears. While within this inner world, the physical body of the […]
Supernatural Art Supernatural art and occult art expressed in the work by Minneapolis visual artist Roger Williamson. Williamson’s paintings focus towards metaphysical and symbolic occult themes that build upon classical myths and ancient themes. They invite viewers into spheres of consciousness characterized by ethereal portraits and kaleidoscopic color palettes presenting a sweeping panorama of preternatural imagery. Aspiring to reintroduce mystery and ambiguity back into the adventure of human existence through the creative process, encouraging artistic audiences towards “living effulgent and invigorating lives, revitalized from the secretions of our subconscious.” Born in Loughborough, England, in […]
A-Z Gallery St Paul My painting Dreaming Within the Fields of Hypnos is part of the exhibition No Holds Barred at the A-Z gallery in St Paul. Argyle Zebra Gallery Sat, Mar 13, 202110:00 AM Sun, Apr 25, 20212:00 PM AZ Gallery (map) Join us for a juried exhibition highlighting the unscripted work of local and regional artists. With no restrictions on content, scale, material or theme this show is destined to have something for everyone to enjoy from paintings, poetry, sculpture, illustration, photography and more. The exhibition will be open to the public during regular business hours. Saturday & Sunday from […]
The Magus, QBL, Sphinx, Tarot Knights Tarot Knights Tarot Knights are representative of the forceful Fire aspect of their respective elements Fire, Water, Air, or Earth. Fire of Fire, Fire of Water, Fire of Air, and Fire of Earth. These personality types are appropriate to the cardinal signs of the zodiac. Fire of Fire Aries, Fire of Water Cancer, Fire of Air Libra and Fire of Earth Capricorn. Tarot Knight’s forcefulness is not solely derived from being the Fire component of each element but also because they are allocated to the second sephirah of the QBL Tree of Life Chokmah […]
Tarot Key Chariot, Sun Enters Cancer Overview Tarot Key Chariot corresponds to the Sun in Cancer during which time period the inundation of Egypt’s Nile River is announced¹. This natural annual phenomenon of the inundation flood of the river returns life to the land of Egypts Nile valley. Tarot Chariot is a pictograph illustrating the inundation of the river Nile, and this event’s impact upon the natural world. These functions of natural phenomena, depicted through the card’s imagery, illustrate the potential impact of unleashing these powerful energies. Originating from real-life experiences, the imagery captures both the positive and negative aspects […]