Nightside An Alternative View In exploring the Nightside Qlippoth Tree and its connection to the Lightside QBL Tree, I propose that there is only one QBL Tree. This singular tree consists of four interconnected worlds, forming a circular and self-sustaining machine. Dayside, Nightside Tree, the Traditional Perspective There is a widespread belief in the existence of two QBL Trees of Life: the Light (Dayside) Tree and the Dark (Nightside) Tree. Commonly, these are represented as: Fig 1: The Light Tree Fig 2: The Dark Tree (inverted Light Tree) When juxtaposed, they create a combined representation (Fig 3) often used to […]
Category Archives: Newsletter
Tarot of the Morning Star Second Edition Deck Release Update Update. Due to some last minute unexpected edits Tarot of the Morning Star deck second edition has been delayed for a few weeks. The release date is now set for November 10th. Walk in store orders will be processed by Magus Books at Magus Books & Herbs, 1848 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418. They will also be available on their website Magus Books & Herbs Also available at Amazon Please accept my apologies for this unexpected delay. This second edition of Tarot of the Morning Star is a 78 […]
Roger Williamson Art Prints Available now at Magus Books & Herbs Order online or visit the store in Minneapolis Mythology art prints. All prints are 8.5 inches by 11 inches and are sealed in a clear envelope with backing board. Click on images to view or purchase Newsletter Sign Up
August Newsletter, 2015
Roger Williamson Art Last month saw the launch of the redesigned Roger Williamson Art web site. If you haven’t already had a chance to check it out I hope you will. There are many new features including a Blog, improved Galleries of paintings, impoved navigation and when looking at a page you will see that you are offered links to other related pages. The Shop is yet to be updated but next year will see this improved giving a more attractive and easier shopping experience. Once again thank you all for your continuing support and have a wonderful holiday season – […]
Number Two 2014 Welcome to the Roger Williamson Art Newsletter. New Paintings 2014 New Items Howling at the Sky: Draconian Architecture and the Sabian Keys Dance for Kali Clothing, Bags and Pillows Dance for Kali featuring the image from my 2012 oil painting. A woman assumes the god form of Kali. She does this to manifest the Goddesses’ personality within herself so that she may be empowered by her. To channel and amplify this she dances before the yantra of Kali, the goddesses’ signature which is used like a talisman in the Western Magical Tradition. The skulls represent epochs of time both past […]