Category Archives: Paintings

Serpent Stone in Memory of Arthur Machen

Les Nadredds serpent The  Serpent Stone from Celtic mythology, an oil painting dedicated to Arthur Machen and his novel The White People. Oil on canvas, 48 inches by 36 inches.    This Serpent Stone of Celtic mythology, sometimes referred to as Adder Stone, which were believed to be created by a coming together of snakes, normally occurring in Spring, but more auspicial on May Eve. The stones, thought to be created from snakes saliva, were claimed to have magical qualities, much like mirrors, that would allow entry into the spirit world. In the Mabinogion, Peredur is given a magical stone that allows […]

Zeus and Io, Io Tells Her Story

Io Tells Her Story Oil painting on canvas, 24 inches by 48 inches, 2011. Zeus Io.  Io was, in Greek mythology, a priestess of Hera in Argos. Seduced by Zeus, he changed her into a heifer to escape detection. His wife Hera sent ever-watchful Argus with 100 eyes to guard her, but Hermes was sent to distract the guardian and slay him. Oil on canvas, 24 inches by 48 inches, 2011. My objective in creating the picture was to encapsulate in a single image the mythological journey of Io and her relationship with Zeus, Hera and Hermes. I used the same formula […]

Paintings One, Mythology, Io Tells Her Story

In Memory of Felicien Rops Baudelairian graphic artist

In Memory of Felicien Rops, 1833 – 1898 Let Me Talk Over Your Left Shoulder, inspired by the works of Baudelairian artist Felicien Rops, Oil on canvas, 11 inches by 14 inches, 2010 Biography Rops is a Baudelairian graphic artist much admired by Péladan; a Belgian who lived most of his life in Paris. He attended the Namur Académie, then went on to Brussels while attending the workshop of Saint-Luc. In 1856 he founded the satirical weekly ‘Uylenspiegel’. In 1868 he became Vice-President of the Société Libre des Beaux-Arts de Brussels. In 1870 he founded the Society of Etchers. He settled in […]

Roger Williamson at Salón Arcano Gallery

Salón Arcano Gallery Salón Arcano Gallery presents and exhibits works that deny the existence of a dividing line between art and hermetic philosophy. Hermetic Philosophy and Hermetic Art are not two independent manifestations that have some connections and links between them: they are one and the same thing. Our tradition teaches that art is the expression of our philosophy and our philosophy is the expression of our art. The Gallery was, in its origins, inspired by the Salon de la Rose+Croix of Paris, created in 1892 by Josephín Péladan, which had the intention of exhibiting art that was related to […]

Dreaming Empowerment

Dreaming Empowerment Dreaming empowerment, lucid dreaming,  and astral projection are techniques that provide us with the tools we need to become whole through altered state experience She Entered Her Dream and Retrieved Her Mask of Power is an oil painting on wood panel, 48 inches by 96 inches, 2013. The picture aims to illustrate that when we discover our inner power and courage our universe becomes more rich and vibrant.  We cannot be given this power by another or get it from reading it in a book, although both can be a trigger, it requires our involvement in the adventure of […]

Dreaming empowerment

Odyssey Life Journey

Odyssey Life Journey A pictorial depiction of our journey through life, Odyssey.  Oil on canvas, 36 inches by 72 inches, 2008 re-finished 2011. Original painting available from Saatchi Art I originally finished The Odyssey in 2008 but then reworked it in the fall of 2011 for my show “God Factory”. The Odyssey I believe is the greatest story ever told because it is an allegoric portrayal of the unfolding drama of our lives. We are born and grow in the comfort of our family and then quite suddenly in our teens are ripped out of this environment to go to work or college, for Odysseus, […]

Odyssey, an original oil painting depicting events from Homers classic poem. Roger Williamson, Minneapolis artist.

Comets Ov Cupid Meets Tarot of the Morning Star Video

Comets Ov Cupid Meets Tarot of the Morning Star Video Comets Ov Cupid is a gothic space rock project by Jason Kesselring : cosmic music evoking a sense of eternal twilight with a sonic landscape of distorted voices, cosmic pulse and hazy drones. Guitar based in composition that goes from full blow metalgazer bliss out to melancholy astral folk. “Vril Kosmische Urkraft is the third release featuring 9 faustian tone poems. A descent to the middle of the earth to the outer reaches of infinity.  Tarot of the Morning Star Is a 78 card tarot deck created by artist, author Roger Williamson. […]

Comets Ov Cupid meets Tarot of the Morning Star HD