Category Archives: Tarot Art

Tarot Strength Leo Sun

Tarot Strength Leo Tarot Strength Leo Sun. Does the card image suggest that Strength is taking the fruit, or refusing the fruit? The split in the pomegranate represents the act of decision and the seeds within the countless once hidden, but now visible, possibilities. Whether accepting the fruit or declining the fruit there will be repercussions. You can only do what you feel is right. There is no right or wrong there is only what works for you. An act of submission is sometimes an act of strength. As an example of a bicameral archetype for this card, Achilles is […]

Tarot Strength, Sun Leo, tarot major arcana card Strength

Tarot Five of Fire, Five of Wands

Tarot Five of Fire, Wands, Strife  Minor Arcana, First Decan Leo Five Fire, Five of Wands and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Five express attributes of Geburah, whose title is Severity, the fifth sphere corresponding with Mars on the QBL Tree of life. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Geburah is Mars and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Five” exhibit this planet’s quality colored by their corresponding elemental suit of  fire, water, air or earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth, Water: Briah, Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah. […]

Tarot card Five Fire Banner

Sun Enters Gemini, Tarot Card Lovers

Sun Enters Gemini, Tarot Card Lovers Sun in Gemini, tarot card Lovers, represents the duality of our brain on the point of becoming conscious. The duality of the brain is illustrated by the union of the Maiden and the Serpent. The figure descending from the sky is the appearance of human consciousness and self-awareness. Inspiration for my depiction of the Lovers card came from Paolo Uccello’s  painting of Saint George and the Dragon. The Influence of Paolo Uccello’s Painting Upon the Lovers On a first glance at Paolo Uccello’s painting, it seems the male hero rescues the maiden from the clutches of a […]

Sun in Gemini, tarot Major Arcana Lovers.

Sun Enters Aries Tarot Emperor

Tarot Emperor Major arcana Tarot Emperor corresponding to astrological Aries is Lord of both worlds, Upper and Lower Egypt, symbolized by the plants of these two regions, the lotus and the papyrus. From a metaphysical perspective these two worlds are the seen and unseen, the conscious and the subconscious. For  a deeper understanding of the cards take time to consider what is occurring in the natural world when the Sun enters Aries. Translate this astrological phenomena as a metaphor to discern its meaning regarding your question. Interpretation must come from within oneself through listening to one’s own inner voice. Take time to […]

Freedom, Tarot Emperor Sun Aires, Major Arcana