Sun Enters Sagittarius, Tarot Card Temperance
Sun Enters Sagittarius, Tarot Temperance
Sagittarius is the water aspect of fire who’s corresponding tarot card is Temperance.
The appearance of Temperance in a tarot reading suggests that moderation is required in some aspect of the querants life indicated by adjacent influencing cards,
This card could also be called Alchemy due to alchemy being a technique that uses gentle heat.
Interpretations may focus on bringing balance to the life of the querent. Other interpretations may serve as a reminder that a compromise between two seemingly incompatible options is often the best course. To achieve balance, synthesize your opposites.
Temperance is the archetypal bicameral voice behind the Eight, Nine and Ten of Fire, Wands
See Also
Tarot of the Morning Star Revised and Expanded Edition available now.