Tag Archives: bicameral

Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory

Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory Tarot and bicameral Mind Theory was inspired by “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” by  Julian Jaynes My rendition of The Lovers tarot card defines in its imagery the clash of modern consciousness rising within humankind, thus preempting the automatic responses of previous generations. Prior to approximately 1000 BC, bicameral mind theory is of the opinion that humans responded robotically to the impulses of nature. Heard as ancestral voices these impulses over time developed into the voices of gods. The serpent featured in the card is raw nature. […]

Lovers Banner 2

Sun Enters Aries Tarot Emperor

Tarot Emperor Major arcana Tarot Emperor corresponding to astrological Aries is Lord of both worlds, Upper and Lower Egypt, symbolized by the plants of these two regions, the lotus and the papyrus. From a metaphysical perspective these two worlds are the seen and unseen, the conscious and the subconscious. For  a deeper understanding of the cards take time to consider what is occurring in the natural world when the Sun enters Aries. Translate this astrological phenomena as a metaphor to discern its meaning regarding your question. Interpretation must come from within oneself through listening to one’s own inner voice. Take time to […]

Freedom, Tarot Emperor Sun Aires, Major Arcana

Guardian Angel, Shadow or Succubus

Guardian Angel, Shadow or Succubus Oil on wood, 24 inches by 24 inches, 2016 Buy the original painting now From Saatchi Art   Guardian Angel Shadow or Succubus Holy Guardian Angel Shadow, Inner Guide or Succubus represents what is our true self. Primal, ruthless and God like. The phenomena has close parallels with accounts of alien abduction and theories of bicameral mind expressed by Julian Jaynes in this book The Origins of Consciousness. See Daemon

Alien intrusion