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Isis Seshat Tending to the Ancestors

Tending to the Ancestors: Isis-Seshat Journal Winter 2018-2019 A quarterly journal of the Fellowship of Isis Each issue, while aligned with seasonal currents, is devoted to a specific theme. The theme of this Winter issue of 2018-2019 is “Tending to the Ancestors.” Many people who identify as Pagan incorporate a robust devotional practice of ancestor veneration in their everyday spirituality, while for others, the issue is very complicated. What does it mean to tend to the ancestors? Is one confined to just commemorating the dead of their bloodlines? What about spiritual ancestors? How are some ways to get a devotional […]

Isis Seshat Tending to the Ancestors, Winter 2018/19. A quarterly journal produced on behalf of the Fellowship of Isis. 48 page color e-zine., ancestor, mythology, reincarnation, vudu, voodoo, vudon, familly