Decans of Pisces Tarot Minor Arcana Cards Eight, Nine and Ten of Water Tarot Eight Water, Tarot Eight Cups, Minor Arcana, First Decan Pisces The Tarot Eight of Water, also known as the Eight of Cups, along with each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered 8, highlights the ability to discern between beneficial and disadvantageous outcomes when taking action intellectually. This is because 8 is the number of Hod, the sphere associated with Mercury on the QBL Tree of Life. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Hod is Mercury and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Eight”, exhibit […]
Tag Archives: mythological
Decans of Scorpio and Their Tarot Card Allocations First Decan Scorpio, Tarot Five of Water Tarot Five of Water, Five of Cups, Loss in Pleasure Tarot Five Water and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Five express attributes of Geburah, whose title is Severity, the fifth sphere of QBL Tree of Life whose planetary correspondence is Mars. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Geburah is Mars and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Five” exhibit this planet’s quality coloured by their correlating elemental suit of fire, water, air or earth. It is worth bearing in mind that […]
Nudus, Witch” Circe Weaves Her Spell of Summoning‘ is now being showcased at NUDUS – 2024 exhibition. Organized by Gallerium and powered by @Biafarin platform. To learn more, please visit: Witch” Nudus Circe Weaves Her Spell of Summoning, oil on wood, 48 inches by 24 inches, 2020 This dreamlike painting illustrates the enchantress Circe using her mystical powers to summon Odysseus to her side. Circe’s adept manipulation of her supernatural abilities is portrayed as she conjures a spell, aided by her cephalopod familiar who secretes the essence needed for the enchantment. The painting captures the moment when Circe’s skilful […]
Third Decan Cancer Tarot Four Water, Four Cups Tarot Four Water, Four Cups is allocated to the third decan of Cancer. Each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Four exhibits attributes of Chesed the fourth sephira of the QBL. Sepherothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Chesed is Jupiter, and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered “Four” expresses this planet’s character. These characteristics are coloured by their elemental suit: fire, water, air, and earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire Atziluth, Water Briah, Air Yetzirah, and Earth Assiah. Jupiter is known for its […]
Sun in Cancer, Tarot Card Chariot Overview Sun in Cancer corresponds to Tarot Key Chariot a period in which the inundation of Egypt’s Nile River is announced¹. This natural annual phenomenon of the inundation flood of the river returns life to the land of Egypt’s Nile valley. Tarot Chariot is a pictograph illustrating the inundation of the river Nile, and this event’s impact upon the natural world. These functions of natural phenomena, depicted through the card’s imagery, illustrate the potential impact of unleashing these powerful energies. Originating from real-life experiences, the imagery captures the positive and negative aspects of being […]
Earth Shaker, Poseidon Oil on wood, 48 x 48 inches. Begun in 2018 and completed in 2023. Earth Shaker is an epithet for the ancient Greek god Poseidon, the deity associated with the ocean. The painting was inspired by a bronze statue housed in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens. The statue was discovered in the ocean at Artemisium Poseidon was an important figure in ancient Greek mythology and one of the twelve Olympian deities. He was primarily known as the god of the sea, water, storms, earthquakes, and horses. In Greek mythology, Poseidon was characterized as a formidable and volatile […]
“The Creative Fire: Illuminations of Being” Viewing times for this exhibition in the ArtSpace Gallery at Jackson Flats 901 18 1⁄2 Avenue NE, Minneapolis 55418 This Saturday November 19th and Sunday November 20th, 11am through 4pm Saturday November 26th Closing Reception featuring a special music performance by Jason Kesselring, Comets ov Cupid. , 6pm through 10 pm. Creative Fire Exhibit viewing hours: Saturdays and Sundays (November 6-26) from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Creative Fire is an exhibition of original art works by Helga Hedgewalker, Paul B. Rucker and Roger Williamson, original founding members of the MCPA (Minneapolis Collective of Pagan Artists) have transitioned together from […]
Tarot Moon Pisces Sun Mysterious Moon, Tarot Moon Pisces Sun corresponding to the major arcana tarot card Moon represents a period of dissolution depicting the end of a cycle. When referring to a cycle within the context of the following description, we must remember we are the cycle within what appears to be the sphere of the cosmos. Because Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, it represents the closing of our annual journey through the astrological signs. Tarot Moon, the card corresponding to Pisces, therefore graphically illustrates this closing of a cycle. At this stage of the sequence […]
Sun in Aquarius, Tarot Star Sun in Aquarius corresponding to tarot card Star its meaning and explanation. The female figure at the center of the card symbolically illustrates the subconscious influence behind the Key, Tarot Star depicts a vague celestial body in the night sky. The top of the card is mirrored below by a seed, a seed that is being planted by the female figure, a magical act: or, discovering a seed through association with our shadow, an act of divination. As the sky is seeded above, so the world is seeded below. As above, so below. The Star […]