Tag Archives: Odysseus

Leda Zeus Trojan War

Leda Zeus root of the Trojan War Leda and the Swan, Trojan War, oil on canvas 72 inches by 48 inches 2012  Buy Original Painting from Saatchi Art Leda in Greek mythology, was daughter of the Aetolian king Thestius, and wife of the king Tyndareus of Sparta. According to the myth, Zeus appeared to her in the form of a swan, seducing and impregnating her. Leda produced four offspring from two eggs: Castor and Clytemnestra from one egg, and Helen and Polydeuces from the other. As the mother of Helen of Troy, she is root of the “Time of Hero’s”, […]

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Origin of Human Consciousness Dramatized In Ancient Myth and Visual Art

Origin of Human Consciousness Dramatized In Ancient Myth and Visual Art I was prompted to create this post after reading The Origin of Consciousness in the Break Down of the Bicameral Mind by  Julian Jaynes and recognizing similarities to my theory of Dream Linguistics. Jaynes argues that the breakdown of the Bicameral Mind and the appearance of human consciousness can in a large part be attributed to writing. Because he could now read an individual no longer heard the words of gods or kings The once direct communication that had existed between individuals from gods and ancestors was broken. Dream […]


Sun Enters Leo Tarot Strength and Bicameral Theory

Tarot Strength Bicameral Theory Is strength taking the fruit, or refusing the fruit? As an example of a bicameral archetype for this card, Achilles is opportune because of his reactionary fixed  automatic responses to phenomena.  We should note however that his character expresses wrath and anger but not hate. When presented with a phenomena outside of himself, Achilles responds to voices from within himself. He is, to all intense and purposes, a puppet  animated and manipulated by the strings of hallucinating voices of ancestors and Gods. These automatic responses are recurrent throughout the Iliad. However, when we examine the Odyssey, with […]

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Odysseus Becoming Our Own Gods Odysseus a pictorial depiction of our journey through life.  Oil on canvas, 36 inches by 72 inches, 2008 refinished 2011. Buy Original Painting from Saatchi Art I originally finished The Odyssey in 2008 but then reworked it in the fall of 2011 for my show “God Factory”. In the Odyssey one witnesses a move into human consciousness, a consciousness that is not present in the Iliad. The Odyssey shows man becoming accountable and introspective,  human traits not encountered in the Iliad. Philosophy Behind the Painting The Odyssey I believe is the greatest story ever told because it is  […]

Odyssey, an original oil painting depicting events from Homers classic poem. Roger Williamson, Minneapolis artist.