Tarot Prince Water, Odysseus Prince Water Odysseus from the expanded and revised second edition of Tarot of the Morning Star I selected a detail from my painting Odyssey for the Prince of Cups, the wily Odysseus being I feel, an appropriate personality type for the attributes the card signifies. All members of his crew die but Odysseus survives through his gifts of subterfuge, slight of hand and cunning. Achieving his goals by any means necessary. It is worth considering that the individuals represented by his crew might be aspects of his personality which are stripped away through the course of his […]
Tag Archives: symbolism
Tarot of the Morning Star Second Edition Deck Release Update Update. Due to some last minute unexpected edits Tarot of the Morning Star deck second edition has been delayed for a few weeks. The release date is now set for November 10th. Walk in store orders will be processed by Magus Books at Magus Books & Herbs, 1848 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418. They will also be available on their website Magus Books & Herbs Also available at Amazon Please accept my apologies for this unexpected delay. This second edition of Tarot of the Morning Star is a 78 […]
Libra Tarot Justice Tarot Justice corresponds with the zodiac sign of Libra. It represents a high ideal that is seldom achieved. A state of potential awaiting a decision. Depicting strength and force arrested the card illustrates truth originates from within and we should wait to hear the dictate of our inner voice before making a choice. The card does not represent man made law but natural law that is not influenced by greed, fear and the rest of humanities short comings. Justice is the archetypal voice behind Two, Three and Four of Air. A second revised and expanded […]
Scheduled for release October 2017 Divination deck Tarot of the Morning Star Second Edition Seventy Eight Card Deck with booklet, $49.95 Available from Magus Books ISBN: 978-0-9993813-0-4 Divination deck Tarot of the Morning Star was originally published in 2007 as a major arcana deck only limited to 75 signed hand-numbered copies. Introduction If you don’t create your own reality, you are condemned to live in someone else’s. Morning Star, meaning “Lucifer,” is generally assumed to be Venus. However, I believe that Lucifer, the morning star, should be assigned to Sirius, which rises with the Sun to announce the annual […]
Hermit Our Inner Guide Tarot Hermit illustrates we should be guided by the light of life symbolized by the Ancient Egyptian ankh representing his lantern. The Hermits eyes are closed symbolizing introspection, listening to the inner voice. This inner voice, according to Julian Jaynes in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, was the hallucinated voice of the Gods and or ancestors commonly listened to by our ancient forebears. The jackal headed figure in the background is s synthesis of Wepwawet and Anubis. Wepwawet as “Opener of the Ways” and Anubis our protector on […]
Greek Mythology. Hypnos, a Dreaming Spirit Brings Her Dionysus In ancient Greek mythology some Dreaming Spirits were referred to as Oneiroi. Oil on wood, 24 inches by 48 inches, 2017 Buy Original Painting from Saatchi Art For concepts of communication with spirits in dreams see Dream Linguistics See Religion of Dream
Tarot Strength Bicameral Theory Is strength taking the fruit, or refusing the fruit? As an example of a bicameral archetype for this card, Achilles is opportune because of his reactionary fixed automatic responses to phenomena. We should note however that his character expresses wrath and anger but not hate. When presented with a phenomena outside of himself, Achilles responds to voices from within himself. He is, to all intense and purposes, a puppet animated and manipulated by the strings of hallucinating voices of ancestors and Gods. These automatic responses are recurrent throughout the Iliad. However, when we examine the Odyssey, with […]
Watcher in the Wood Watcher in the Wood. Rising out of the earth dryads answer the call of the piper. Watcher in the Wood, oil on wood, 72 inches by 36 inches, 2018. Original painting available from Saatchi Art It is rumored by aged locals of Asini, that in the lonely hills behind the village of Asini and the citadel of Ancient Asini / Kastraki, dryad, and daemon, spirits do appear. In shaded groves, protected from the heat of the mid–day sun these spirits perform their sacred dances. It is rumored by many that these spirits are manifestations of those […]
Roger Williamson Tarot Artist Tarot artist Roger Williamson paintings, creator of Tarot of the Morning Star art tarot divination deck. The deck encourages users to discover insight of tarot cards meanings from within themselves evoked from the cards paintings. The tarot card images are a visual representation of the concepts he explores in his books Howling at the Sky, Black Book of the Jackal and Lucifer Diaries. The first edition was a major arcana deck of 22 cards in full color limited to 75 signed and hand numbered copies. Cards measure 6 inches by 3.5 inches. Images designed and painted by Roger Williamson. […]