Tag Archives: Tarot artist

Minor Arcana Nine Wands, Fire

Nine Wands, Fire: Great Strength Minor Arcana, Second Decan Sagittarius   Tarot Nine Wands and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Nine express attributes of Ysod, the ninth sphere on the QBL Tree of life, whose title is Foundation Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Ysod is Moon and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Nine” exhibit this astrological body’s quality colored by their corresponding elemental suit of  fire, water, air or earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth, Water: Briah, Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah. Astrological Decan Allocation This […]

Tarot Six Cups

Tarot Six Cups, Six Water Minor Arcana, Second Decan Scorpio Tarot Six Cups and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered “Six” express attributes of Tiphareth, the sixth sphere corresponding with Sun on the QBL Tree of life, whose title is Beauty. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Tiphareth is Sun and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Six” exhibit this astrological body’s quality colored by their corresponding elemental suit of  fire, water, air or earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth Water: Briah Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah. Astrological Decan […]

tarot second decan scorpio,tarot six water cupss banner

Sun Enters Gemini, Tarot Card Lovers

Sun Enters Gemini, Tarot Card Lovers Sun in Gemini, tarot card Lovers, represents the duality of our brain on the point of becoming conscious. The duality of the brain is illustrated by the union of the Maiden and the Serpent. The figure descending from the sky is the appearance of human consciousness and self-awareness. Inspiration for my depiction of the Lovers card came from Paolo Uccello’s  painting of Saint George and the Dragon. The Influence of Paolo Uccello’s Painting Upon the Lovers On a first glance at Paolo Uccello’s painting, it seems the male hero rescues the maiden from the clutches of a […]

Sun in Gemini, tarot Major Arcana Lovers.

Tarot Six Pentacles Six Earth

Tarot Six Earth Six Pentacles, Second Decan Taurus Tarot card meaning of Six Earth, Six Pentacles second decan Taurus. Each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered six express attributes of Tiphareth who’s title is Beauty, the sixth sphere corresponding with Sol on the QBL Tree of life. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Tiphareth is Sun and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Six” express its quality colored by their elemental suit: fire, water, air and earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL. Fire Atziluth, Water Briah, Air Yetzirah and Earth Assiah. Astrological […]

Tarot Six Pentacles Six Earth, tarot cards, tarot card reading, tarot card meaing

Tarot Artist

Roger Williamson Tarot Artist Tarot artist Roger Williamson paintings, creator of Tarot of the Morning Star art tarot divination deck. The deck encourages users to discover insight of tarot cards meanings from within themselves evoked from the cards paintings. The tarot card images are a visual representation of the concepts he explores in his books Howling at the Sky, Black Book of the Jackal and Lucifer Diaries. The first edition was a major arcana deck of 22 cards in full color limited to 75 signed and hand numbered copies. Cards measure 6 inches by 3.5 inches. Images designed and painted by Roger Williamson. […]

Tarot deck as an inner voice is one of man’s techniques of attempting to put order and rhythm into what appears to be our chaotic and unpredictable lives.. Tarot artist, tarot card image