Tag Archives: tarot card art

Tarot Happiness, Nine of Water, Nine of Cups

Tarot Happiness, Nine of Water, Nine of Cups Minor Arcana, Second Decan Pisces, Happiness Happiness is the title of Nine of Water and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered nine exhibit qualities of support and justification. This is because nine is the number of Yesod,  whose title is foundation on the QBL Tree of life. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary quality of Yesod is the Moon and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Nine” will express qualities of a Lunar nature. This quality will be colored by a cards elemental suit: fire, water, air and earth and its […]

9 water, 9 Cups,tarot cards,minor arcana

Tarot Six Cups

Tarot Six Cups, Six Water Minor Arcana, Second Decan Scorpio Tarot Six Cups and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered “Six” express attributes of Tiphareth, the sixth sphere corresponding with Sun on the QBL Tree of life, whose title is Beauty. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Tiphareth is Sun and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Six” exhibit this astrological body’s quality colored by their corresponding elemental suit of  fire, water, air or earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth Water: Briah Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah. Astrological Decan […]

tarot second decan scorpio,tarot six water cupss banner

Princess Pentacles, Princess Earth

Princess Pentacles Princess of Earth, Princess of Pentacles representing Earth of Earth. Taken from Tarot of the Morning Star deck.Tarot Princess Earth Pentacles is the sixteenth and final tarot Court Card and as such represents a hidden spirit or Goddess. She is the culmination and synthesis of the previous 15 Court Cards. This is symbolized by the card, as depicted in the Tarot of the Morning Star deck, as the princess holding a fox. When a fox has gone to ground, and retreated to its lair, the phenomenon is referred to as the animal having gone to earth. Normally, the […]

Princess Earth