Tarot Justice, Sun in Libra

Tarot Justice, Sun in Libra


 Justice from Tarot of the Morning Star by Minneapolis artist Roger Williamson. Card depicts Justice as the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Maat.
Tarot Justice, Atu 11. Corresponds to Libra.
tarot Justice
Original oil on canvas painting for tarot card Justice. The painting depicts Justice as the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Maat

Tarot Justice corresponds with the zodiac sign of Libra and represents a high ideal that is seldom achieved. A state of potential awaiting a decision.

Depicting strength and force arrested the card illustrates truth originates from within and we should wait to hear the dictate of our inner voice before making a choice.

The cards message in its purest form does not represent man made law but natural law that is not influenced by greed, fear and the rest of humanities short comings.

Major Arcana Justice represents the archetypal voice behind the personality type Queen of Air and the three areas of life Two, Three and Four of Air, also known as Swords.

From the standpoint of  bicameral mind theory this tarot card represents instinctive mind acting without emotion. It is to act automatically in response to phenomena without mental conflict because of knowing what is true.

Tarot of the Morning Star second expanded and revised edition deck available now.  

Tarot of the Morning Star book reprinted

Tarot of the Morning Star

Tarot Justice

Tarot Lovers

Original Justice painting available at SaatchI Art

