Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory
Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory
Tarot and bicameral Mind Theory was inspired by “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” by Julian Jaynes

My rendition of The Lovers tarot card defines in its imagery the clash of modern consciousness rising within humankind, thus preempting the automatic responses of previous generations.
Prior to approximately 1000 BC, bicameral mind theory is of the opinion that humans responded robotically to the impulses of nature. Heard as ancestral voices these impulses over time developed into the voices of gods.
The serpent featured in the card is raw nature. It is the source of hallucinated ancestral voices that converse with the maiden, our receptive creative selves.
She makes the ancient sign of welcoming or honoring to the serpent, her lover. This is not a sign of worship, but a greeting of equals.
Perseus, the figure descending from the sky, is the appearance of modern man and a new way of thinking brought about through an increase of emphasis of logical thought.
His drawn sword, symbolic of a pen, represents the origin of writing, a radical stimulus culminating with the end of the old ways symbolized by the serpent.
Hallucinated conversations, exorcised through writing, negated our ancestors need to listen to personal impulses and needs, thus causing a gravitation to reliance upon another man’s opinion over our one’s own revelation.
The desert background is the state of our lives through the impact of no longer trusting, listening, or hearing the vocalization of nature’s ancestral voices. It is symbolic of the loss of love.
The serpent becomes a threat because it is now the misunderstood voice of natural force.
See Dream Linguistics for techniques to renew communication with ancestral directives.
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