Tarot Queen of Water, Queen of Cups
Tarot Queen Water, Queen Cups
The original painting for Tarot Queen of Water, Queen of Cups Sirens, oil on canvas, 72 inches by 36 inches, available at Saatchi Art
Because of her passivity, this Queen has great weight and gravity. As does the gravity of a black hole exercise an invisible influence over bodies entering its sphere of influence, so will the Queen of Water attract anyone who enters her sphere of influence.
Subconsciously magnetic, her charm is a lure.
This is an unconscious facet of her character over which she exercises little control. Any person entering her vicinity runs the danger of being fatally drawn into her presence with the inevitable loss of personal identity.
If you sense there is a need to protect yourself from this Queen’s influence, follow the guidance of Odysseus in his encounter with the Sirens. Take control of your senses so they are not tuned in to the frequencies of her song. See Psychic Self Defence.
Personality Type
This personality type is vulnerable, imaginative, dreamy and good-natured but not inclined to be helpful to others.
She is easily affected by other cards and thus inclined to take on the personality of those who come into her proximity. This is a partial key to her attraction. Those seeing an aspect of themselves in her personality will find it difficult to resist her.
Queen of Water rules the third decan of Gemini through the second degree of Cancer, the 10 of Air, 2 of Water and the 3 of Water.
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