
First Decan Sagittarius

First Decan Sagittarius Tarot Eight Fire, Wands: Swiftness First decan Sagittarius corresponds to Eight Fire and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Eight express attributes of Hod, the eighth sphere on the QBL Tree of life, whose title is Splendor.   Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Hod is Mercury and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Eight” exhibit this astrological body’s quality colored by their corresponding elemental suit of  fire, water, air or earth.   These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth, Water: Briah, Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah. Astrological Decan Allocation […]

Tarot Eight Fire, Eight Wands

Sagittarius Sun

Sagittarius Sun, Tarot Temperance Sagittarius Sun, Tarot card Temperance is the water aspect of fire. The appearance of Temperance in a tarot reading suggests that moderation is required in some aspect of the querents life, indicated by adjacent influencing cards, This card could also be called Alchemy due to alchemy being a technique that uses gentle heat. Interpretations may focus on bringing balance to the life of the querent.  Other interpretations may serve as a reminder that a compromise between two seemingly incompatible options is often the best course.  To achieve balance, synthesize your opposites. Temperance is the archetypal bicameral […]

Sun Sagittarius, Tarot Temperance

Tarot Third Decan Scorpio

Tarot Third Decan Scorpio Tarot Seven Water, Seven Cups: Illusionary Success Tarot third decan Scorpio corresponds to Seven Water, Cups and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Seven express attributes of Netzach, the seventh sphere on the QBL Tree of life, whose title is Victory. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Netzach is Venus and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Seven” exhibit this astrological body’s quality colored by their corresponding elemental suit of  fire, water, air or earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth Water: Briah Air: Yetzirah and […]

Third decan Scorpio, Seven Water, Seven Cups. An explanation of the cards symbolism and meaning.

Tarot Second Decan Scorpio

Tarot Second Decan Scorpio Tarot Six Water, Cups: Pleasure Tarot second decan Scorpio Six Water and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered “Six” express attributes of Tiphareth, the sixth sphere corresponding with Sun on the QBL Tree of life, whose title is Beauty. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Tiphareth is Sun and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Six” exhibit this astrological body’s quality colored by their corresponding elemental suit of  fire, water, air or earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth Water: Briah Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah. […]

tarot second decan scorpio,tarot six water cupss banner

Opening Reception Dreaming of Mythos

Opening Reception Dreaming of Mythos Thursday November 4th, 2021 Time 6pm through 8pm Where University of Minnesota, Coffman Gallery, 300 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 There will be light refreshments for attendees. As far as COVID protocol goes, all persons inside University of Minnesota buildings (this includes the gallery space) must wear a mask at all times, except when actively eating or drinking. Featured Artists Bailey Larson, Gretchen Pickering, Jeff Musser, Morgan Mercer, Peighton Cooke, Roger Williamson Let the mysterious and fantastical steal you away in this stunning and surreal exhibition at the Coffman Gallery. Meet classical constructs, renaissance […]

Dreaming of Mythos Exhibition, University of Minnesota

First Decan Scorpio, Loss in Pleasure

First Decan Scorpio, Tarot Five Water, Cups, Loss in Pleasure Minor Arcana, First Decan Scorpio Five of Water First Decan Scorpio Five Water and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Five express attributes of Geburah, whose title is Severity, the fifth sphere of  QBL Tree of life whose planetary correspondence is Mars. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Geburah is Mars and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Five” exhibit this planet’s character. This planetary quality is colored by their correlating elemental suit of  fire, water, air or earth. Keep in mind that Geburah correlates with Fear.  […]

Tarot Five Water, Five Cups. An explanation of the cards meaning and symbolism

Sun In Libra

Sun in Libra Tarot Justice Sun in Libra corresponds to tarot major arcana card Justice and represents a high ideal that is seldom achieved. A state of potential awaiting a decision. Depicting strength and force arrested the card illustrates truth originates from within and we should wait to hear the dictate of our inner voice before making a choice. The cards message in its purest form does not represent man made law but natural law that is not influenced by greed, fear and the rest of humanities short comings. From the standpoint of  bicameral mind theory this tarot card represents […]

Sun in Libra, tarot major arcana card Justice.

Second Decan Virgo

Second Decan Virgo Tarot Nine Earth, Pentacles, Material Gain Second decan Virgo Tarot Nine of Earth also known as Nine of Pentacles and Nine of Coins. Each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Nine, express attributes of Yesod, the ninth sphere on the QBL Tree of life. whose title is Foundation. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Yesod is Moon and each of the minor arcana cards, numbered “Nine”, exhibit this planet’s quality colored by their corresponding elemental suit of  fire, water, air or earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth, Water: […]

second decan Virgo, Venus in Virgo

Green Lion Podcast

Green Lion Podcast Listen to podcast SHOW NOTES Green Lion Podcast host Taylor Bell in this double-digit episode, sits down to talk with Roger Williamson. Roger is an artist extraordinaire, with more hand painted works than I can count, all of which showcase his incredible eye of the mystical. He has been a musician most of his life, and as we discuss in this episode, art and creativity have always been his muse. You can find his art at where prints and originals are available for purchase, and there is a wonderful online gallery of most – if not all […]
