Category Archives: Ideas

Origin of Human Consciousness Dramatized In Ancient Myth and Visual Art

Origin of Human Consciousness Dramatized In Ancient Myth and Visual Art I was prompted to create this post after reading The Origin of Consciousness in the Break Down of the Bicameral Mind by  Julian Jaynes and recognizing similarities to my theory of Dream Linguistics. Jaynes argues that the breakdown of the Bicameral Mind and the appearance of human consciousness can in a large part be attributed to writing. Because he could now read an individual no longer heard the words of gods or kings The once direct communication that had existed between individuals from gods and ancestors was broken. Dream […]


Sun Enters Virgo, Tarot Hermit

Hermit Our Inner Guide Tarot Hermit illustrates we should be guided by the light of life symbolized by the Ancient Egyptian ankh representing his lantern. The Hermits eyes are closed symbolizing introspection, listening to the inner voice. This inner voice, according to Julian Jaynes in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, was the  hallucinated voice of the Gods and  or ancestors commonly listened to by our ancient forebears. The jackal headed figure in the background is s synthesis of Wepwawet and Anubis.  Wepwawet as “Opener of the Ways” and Anubis our protector on […]

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Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory

Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory Tarot and bicameral Mind Theory was inspired by “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” by  Julian Jaynes My rendition of The Lovers tarot card defines in its imagery the clash of modern consciousness rising within humankind, thus preempting the automatic responses of previous generations. Prior to approximately 1000 BC, bicameral mind theory is of the opinion that humans responded robotically to the impulses of nature. Heard as ancestral voices these impulses over time developed into the voices of gods. The serpent featured in the card is raw nature. […]

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Dream Linguistics, Dream Language

Dream Linguistics A picture is a hieroglyph concealing a story. A story is a spell evoking a picture Dream linguistics. art as a language of dream interpretation,  a technique of communication employed by classes of diverse orders of beings desiring to converse with one another. Application of this method is not dependent on the communicating energy systems being of the same race, species or even coexisting to the same time, space or dimension.  The communication will naturally occur when an in-between[i] consciousness state engages between the communiques.  This in-between consciousness is the realm of “creative dreaming,” which has a correlation […]

Dream linguistics. art as a language of dream interpretation,  a technique of communication employed by classes of diverse orders of beings desiring to converse with one another

Signed Copies of Howling at the Sky

Signed Copies of Howling at the Sky Available at Magus Books Signed copies of Howling at the Sky, Draconian Architecture and the Sabian Keys, a handbook of Draconian Magick are available at Magus Books. First t published in 2002 and has been long out of print.  It has been republished and  is available again.  Using natural phenomena as symbolic representations of inner processes, we are provided a bridge to integrate ourselves back into the fabric of the universe from which we have exiled ourselves.  Once integrated, we will again be able to understand the music of the spheres and to comprehend the language […]

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On Prehistoric Cave Paintings

On Prehistoric Cave Paintings If one makes only a rudimentary study of prehistoric cave paintings, it is immediately apparent the majority of them we know of, such as those found on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia at Cueva de El Castillo in Spain and Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc Cave in France, are always created in the most inaccessible and dark locations. Although the majority of the pictures depict herds of animals, research shows there is little evidence to prove any of these images were produced for success in hunting, because in most instances the animals illustrated were not part of the diet […]

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