Category Archives: Photography

Taurus Sun Hierophant

Taurus Sun Hierophant Taurus Sun Tarot Hierophant represents a quality within us that registers an awareness of phenomenon. It is not the elucidation of the phenomenon but the bringing to our attention that there is something of which we are not cognizant. Admitting we are in the dark about a subject is our door to learning about it. Overcoming fear to enter the dark is our next step on the path to cognition of the paradox. See Tarot Hermit and Tarot Devil In the foreground of the card the scroll of life unfolds and as it does so the Duat, symbolic of […]

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On Prehistoric Cave Paintings

On Prehistoric Cave Paintings If one makes only a rudimentary study of prehistoric cave paintings, it is immediately apparent the majority of them we know of, such as those found on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia at Cueva de El Castillo in Spain and Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc Cave in France, are always created in the most inaccessible and dark locations. Although the majority of the pictures depict herds of animals, research shows there is little evidence to prove any of these images were produced for success in hunting, because in most instances the animals illustrated were not part of the diet […]

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