Tag Archives: tarot cards

Tarot Key Chariot

Tarot Key Chariot Tarot Key Chariot depicts a triumphant individual who has harnessed learned abilities and experiences to courageously impel themselves into the pursuit of achieving their aspirations. This is not saying their projects will be successful; it is saying the individual has courage to try. Triumphant implies the person has conquered their fears to be able to attempt an enterprise. Tarot key Moon is the path travelled where fears, fuelled from previous unconscious actions, tarot key Death, are conquered. This individual is capable to attempt an enterprise because of past experiences, some successful and some not. We should remember, […]

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Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory

Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory Tarot and bicameral Mind Theory was inspired by “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” by  Julian Jaynes My rendition of The Lovers tarot card defines in its imagery the clash of modern consciousness rising within humankind, thus preempting the automatic responses of previous generations. Prior to approximately 1000 BC, bicameral mind theory is of the opinion that humans responded robotically to the impulses of nature. Heard as ancestral voices these impulses over time developed into the voices of gods. The serpent featured in the card is raw nature. […]

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Tarot Hierophant, Appearance of Awareness

Hierophant Major Arcana Tarot Divination Card Hierophant major arcana tarot card represents a quality within us that registers an awareness of phenomenon. It is not the elucidation of the phenomenon but the bringing to our attention that there is something of which we are not cognizant. Admitting we are in the dark about a subject is our door to learning about it. Overcoming fear to enter the dark is our next step on the path to cognition of the paradox. See Tarot Hermit and Tarot Devil In the foreground of the card the scroll of life unfolds and as it does so the […]

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Sun Enters Aries Tarot Emperor

Tarot Emperor Major arcana Tarot Emperor corresponding to astrological Aries is Lord of both worlds, Upper and Lower Egypt, symbolized by the plants of these two regions, the lotus and the papyrus. From a metaphysical perspective these two worlds are the seen and unseen, the conscious and the subconscious. For  a deeper understanding of the cards take time to consider what is occurring in the natural world when the Sun enters Aries. Translate this astrological phenomena as a metaphor to discern its meaning regarding your question. Interpretation must come from within oneself through listening to one’s own inner voice. Take time to […]

Freedom, Tarot Emperor Sun Aires, Major Arcana

Dream Linguistics, Dream Language

Dream Linguistics A picture is a hieroglyph concealing a story. A story is a spell evoking a picture Dream linguistics. art as a language of dream interpretation,  a technique of communication employed by classes of diverse orders of beings desiring to converse with one another. Application of this method is not dependent on the communicating energy systems being of the same race, species or even coexisting to the same time, space or dimension.  The communication will naturally occur when an in-between[i] consciousness state engages between the communiques.  This in-between consciousness is the realm of “creative dreaming,” which has a correlation […]

Dream linguistics. art as a language of dream interpretation,  a technique of communication employed by classes of diverse orders of beings desiring to converse with one another

Capricorn: Goat Mother of the Sun

Capricorn: Goat Mother of the Sun The Goat is the mother of the Sun, for it is in the constellation of Capricorn, whose zoomorph is a goat, that the Sun is reborn,  Meaning that the Sun begins to rise again from is lowest point. Adversity is overcome by humor. The central figure displays the personality required for facing adversity, a sense of humor.  This is also emphasized by the figure’s horns resembling a medieval fools cap. The spiral beard symbolizes time.  The blocks below illustrate the challenges that need to be overcome that become the stairs to achievement. The image is […]

Sun in Capricorn, tarot major arcana card Devil, its meaning, interpretation and symbolism.

Tarot Tower Explained

Tarot Tower Explained The Tower is destroyed from within and not from without.  It symbolizes that we have reached the point in our journey where we have the courage to transcend the false idea we have of ourselves, the Tower.  Escaping it we release who we truly are and see the Tower for what it is, an eidolon. Tarot of the Morning Star Tarot of the Morning Star Book Reprint

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Tarot of the Morning Star Book Reprint

Tarot of the Morning Star book reprinted Tarot of the Morning Star was first published in 2007 as a limited edition deck and book set. This second edition of the book includes 22 pages of color images from the original deck plus several pages in color of earlier renditions of the cards not included in the original published deck. The text has also been updated and expanded. This edition is the book only, deck is not included. See Howling at the Sky Order from Amazon.com $24.95   Reviews of the first edition Silver Star a Journal of New Magick Tarot of […]

tarot cards

Comets Ov Cupid CD “Vril Kosmische Urkraft

New Comets Ov Cupid CD “Vril Kosmische Urkraft” now for sale. CD face features High Priestess painting by artist/writer/occultist Roger Williamson. $10 + 2.99 shipping and handling.  To purchase go to Comets Ov Cupid.                   Comets Ov Cupid is a gothic space rock project by Jason Kesselring : cosmic music evoking a sense of eternal twilight with a sonic landscape of distorted voices, cosmic pulse and hazy drones. Guitar based in composition that goes from full blow metalgazer bliss out to melancholy astral folk. “Vril Kosmische Urkraft is the third release featuring 9 faustian tone poems. […]

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