Tarot Princess of Air

Tarot Princess of Air, Princess of Swords

tarot personality type Princess of Air corresponding to Earth of Air
Tarot Princess of Air, Earth of Air

Rules from zero degrees Capricorn through thirty degrees Pisces. Allocated to major arcana cards Devil, Star, and Moon.


In terms of interpretation, the Princess of Swords often suggests the need to approach situations with clear and logical thinking. Meaning, using intellect and reason to solve problems by communicating honestly and assertively, standing up for one’s beliefs, and speaking truthfully.

In the Golden Dawn tradition, the Princess of Air has the title of Princess of Swords. Associated with the realm of the mind and intellect, she embodies the qualities of intelligence, sharpness, and mental clarity. Depicted as a young figure holding a sword, she symbolizes the power of clear thinking, truth-seeking, and the ability to cut through confusion and deception. The Princess of Swords in this tradition serves as a reminder to rely on one’s intellect and honesty when facing challenges or uncertainties.

In Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck, the Princess of Swords is also linked to the element of Air. In this representation, she is a forceful and assertive figure, unafraid to express her opinions and pursue intellectual endeavors. Here, she acts as a catalyst for the pursuit of knowledge and the pursuit of truth, urging individuals to fearlessly engage in intellectual pursuits and to stand up for their beliefs.

In the Waite-Smith Tarot, the Princess of Swords embodies the qualities of honesty, mental agility, and assertiveness. She represents the power of clear communication and emphasizes the importance of approaching challenges with logical thinking and truth-seeking. She encourages individuals to embrace their intellectual abilities and to engage in honest and open dialogue.


Overall, the Princess of Air/Swords whether in the Golden Dawn, Crowley, or Waite-Smith systems represents the qualities of mental agility, assertiveness, and the pursuit of truth and knowledge. When this card appears in a reading, it may be encouraging the querent to approach challenges with common sense and honesty or to embrace and develop their intellectual abilities.

In terms of interpretation, the Princess of Air suggests the need to approach situations with clear and logical thinking. Meaning, using intellect and reason to solve problems by communicating honestly and assertively, standing up for one’s beliefs, and speaking truthfully.

Princesses, Princes, and Aces have unique relationships with each other when applied to the philosophy of the QBL, revealing a magical formula, illustrated in the Diagram Princes and Princesses.


All Air Court Cards

Jacobs Ladder Arrangement of the QBL

