Category Archives: Mythology

The Arrival of Herne the Hunter

Cernunnos or Herne The Hunter Cernunnos or Herne. The arrival o Celtic Herne the Hunter, Oil on canvas, 2013 Sometime a keeper here in Windsor Forest, Doth all the winter-time, at still midnight, Walk round about an oak, with great ragg’d horns; And there he blasts the tree, and takes the cattle, And makes milch-kine yield blood, and shakes a chain In a most hideous and dreadful manner. You have heard of such a spirit, and well you know The superstitious idle-headed eld Receiv’d, and did deliver to our age, This tale of Herne the Hunter for a truth. — […]

Herne Celtic painting of mythological figure

New Paintings 2013

Some of my new paintings completed in 2013 All these paintings premiered in the Chimera exhibition at Stevens Squared Center For The Arts in August 2013 Fall Herne The Hunter Flamenco Spanish Fire The Green Witch The Sphinx Dreams Her Incarnations Dream


Falling: Fall Of Man Falling: Fall of Man is an occult inspired triptych of three 8 foot by 4 foot oil on wood panels, 2012/2013 Presently on display at Stevens Square Center For The Arts until Sunday August 25th, 2013. Left Panel Fall: Paradise is for those who do what they are told Reaching for the serpent of wisdom and knowledge the seeker awakens the suppressed aspects of the self. Fall from paradise. The awakened individual becomes alert to all the previously suppressed potentials.  We wake up through escaping from the prison of religion and societies values. At the bottom […]

Minneapolis visual artist Roger Williamson, Minnesota visual artist, Minnesota visual artist, painting, Minneapolis occult artist, local Minneapolis artist, Supernatural America

Chimera Talk

Chimera Talk and Walk Through Chimera talk for anyone interested in seeing the Chimera exhibit and hearing the stories behind the paintings inspiration and execution, I will be at Stevens Square Center For The Arts tomorrow, Friday August 9th from 5pm until 8pm to walk through and talk about them. Hope to see you there and thank you to everyone who came on opening night. Chimera Exhibition is open every Saturday and Sunday from 1pm until 5pm through August 25th  at Stevens Square Center For The Arts Opening Night Gallery Details and Map Signed Posters

chimera opening banner

Chimera Update New Paintings

Chimera Update:  New Paintings The Chimera exhibition features several new paintings, including the triptych “Fall, Paradise Is For Those Who Do What They Are Told”, a work composed of three 8 foot by 4 foot oil on wood panels. The paintings explore the concept of the “Fall” from three perspectives, Gnosticism, Greek mythology and Shamanism. It interprets and reveals the occult message of the “Fall” concept as a communication of opportunity and self-empowerment to those who can see beyond appearances, as opposed to the traditional view of eternal pain and damnation for not doing what you are told to do by others. On […]


Worship of the Ancestor

Worshiping the Ancestor Spirits I Am The Body Of My Ancestors Ancestor worship, Oil on canvas. Original painting available at Saatchi Art Ancestor worship. While your name continues to be spoken you continue to live. This is the fundamental theory behind ancestor worship which can be witnessed to an extreme in ancient Egyptian culture. Study of Hatshepsut, a female pharaoh of ancient Egypt, reveals that she was condemned to non being because all references to her name and existence were eliminated by her step son. Only in comparatively recent times has her name come to light. It is Hatshepsut who is […]


Judgment Major Arcana Explanation

Judgment Major Arcana Tarot Card For Judgment I have used the climax of the Cain and Abel story as the image for my interpretation because it illustrates the moment of taking an irreversible step by an action made or a word spoken that can never be taken back. The card reminds us that we need to think before we act or speak. Modern commentators typically assume Cain’s motive was jealousy due to God rejecting his offering, while accepting Abel’s.   Some ancient exegetes suggest something even more sinister lay behind the killing.  They suggest the motive involved a desire for the most […]


Dance For Kali

Hindu Goddess, Dance For Kali An original painting of a woman assuming the god form of Hindu goddess Kali to manifest the Goddesses’ personality within her. To channel and amplify this she dances before the yantra of Kali, the goddesses’ signature which is used like a talisman in the Western Magical Tradition. The skulls represent epochs of time both past and to come.  Kali is a Hindu mother goddess, symbol of time, dissolution and destruction. She destroys ignorance, maintains the world order, and blesses and frees those who strive for the knowledge of eternity. It is Kali who liberates the […]

Dance For Kali Banner

White Stag

 White Stag Invitation to the Quest Oil on canvas, 12 inches by 18 inches, 2010 Prints of White Stag Invitation to the Quest

White Stag shamanism, symbolic Painting