Decans of Sagittarius and Their Tarot Allocations
Decans of Sagittarius and Their Tarot Correspondences
Tarot Eight of Fire, Wands: Swiftness
Minor Arcana, First Decan Sagittarius
Tarot Eight Fire and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Eight express attributes of Hod, the eighth sphere on the QBL Tree of Life, whose title is Splendor.
Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence
The planetary correspondence of Hod is Mercury. Minor arcana cards numbered “Eight” exhibit this astrological body’s quality influenced by their elemental suit of fire, water, air or earth.
These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth, Water: Briah, Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah.
Astrological Decan Allocation
This card is allocated to the first decan of Sagittarius, the major arcana card Temperance, whose planetary attribution is Mercury.
The Hod Mercury combination in Fire under the influence of Sagittarius indicates Swiftness.
This swiftness is of high velocity expressing instability unless the card is very well grounded. If the card is well aspected the beneficial impact of Temperance will introduce an influence of steady and gradual heat. This is witnessed in disciplines such as alchemy where steady and persistent application is the formula of their philosophy.
Any urgent desire to tackle projects or address issues will run the danger of being unstable. Take time to think and speak before acting.
Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter which has expansive positive qualities.
This card represents Sagittarius’s enthusiastic urge for freedom, directed toward single objectives.
Hod and Mercury are indicators of a need for organisation and logical thinking. This card alerts us to the proximity of sudden and spontaneous opportunities.
Our degree of success with this card’s appearance is dependent upon our previous preparatory work that should have developed our ability to optimize this card’s expansive qualities toward our goal.
The attributes, represented by Eight of Fire, are best suited towards projects that can be achieved quickly. This is because of Eight of Fire’s combustible volatility leading to an explosive disposition making it indicative of actions or situations of. short duration.
All of the Fire Minor Arcana cards express dynamic energy, spontaneity, creativity and suddenness but when negatively aspected can be cruel, violent and overbearing.
Personality Type
The character qualities of the court card Knight of Fire are those best suited to receive and translate the specific ancestral voice of this decan. However, these qualities need to be tempered if they are to be advantageous in accomplishing projects or when interacting with others. There is grave danger here in overreacting. This is because of the Achilles-like personality witnessed by this Knight when in environments requiring synergy.
The qualities of Hod, Mercury and Fire illustrate Sagittarian traits which can be directed successfully in communicating with others but there is the danger these can be expressed through spontaneous, sudden and violent behaviour.
Decan Signature
In our failure to understand what any minor arcana card is saying, we should allow ourselves to be driven back to our specific inner voice of the decan for resolution.
In this example of Eight of Fire, the conjunction of major arcana cards Temperance and Magus, corresponding to Sagittarius and Mercury, are the specific signature of this decan and will be projected through the personality type represented by the Knight of Fire. The elemental quality of Knight of Fire corresponds to Fire of Fire.
Each of the elemental Knight court cards corresponds to the Fire aspect of their elemental suite.
Tarot Nine Fire, Wands: Great Strength
Minor Arcana, Second Decan Sagittarius
Tarot Nine Fire and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Nine express attributes of Ysod, the ninth sphere on the QBL Tree of life, whose title is Foundation.
Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence
The planetary correspondence of Yesod is the Moon and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Nine” exhibits this astrological body’s quality coloured by their corresponding elemental suit of fire, water, air or earth.
These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth, Water: Briah, Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah.
Astrological Decan Allocation
This card is allocated to the second decan of Sagittarius, major arcana card Temperance, whose planetary attribution is Moon.
The Ysod Moon combination in Fire under the influence of Sagittarius indicates Great Strength.
The primal endless rhythm of the Moon’s perpetual cycles in combination with elemental Fire expresses an unstoppable force for either positive or negative ends.
This card indicates a steady and unshakable focus that can in oppressive conditions be characterized as obstinate or stubborn which has the potential to create an atmosphere of conflict.
Achievements can be accomplished but after and through self-doubt struggle and or anxiety create an appearance of recovery.
Second decan Sagittarius suggests scientific discovery after and through much experimentation and opposition.
Tarot Nine Fire represents Great Strength as a result of courage in the face of opposition.
Ysod and Moon are indicators of a firm foundation from which to move forward.
The attributes, represented by Nine of Fire, indicate achievements arrived at through conflict and struggle creating strong character traits within the individual who is the focus of the card.
Indicated here are the qualities required for the achievement of ambitions requiring persistent drive and focus.
All of the Fire Minor Arcana cards express dynamic energy, spontaneity, creativity and suddenness but when negatively aspected they can appear cruel, violent and overbearing.
This card is best viewed as presenting an opportunity for a person to grow. It presents the gift of a challenge to overcome resistance to one’s objectives and desires. It is an endowment earned through the practice of magickal technique giving us the opportunity to grow while imbibing us with awareness to see it as such.
Personality Type
The character qualities of the court card Knight of Fire are those best suited to receive and translate the specific ancestral voice of this decan. However, these qualities need to be tempered if they are to be advantageous in accomplishing projects or when interacting with others. There is grave danger here in appearing to be overbearing. This is because of the autocratic-like personality that can be evoked out of this facet of a Yesod Moon Fire combination.
The qualities of Ysod Moon and Fire illustrate Sagittarian traits which can be directed towards successfully overcoming opposition but there is a danger in coming across as authoritarian
Decan Signature
In our failure to understand what any minor arcana card is saying, we should allow ourselves to be driven back to our specific inner voice of the decan for resolution.
In this example of Nine of Fire, the specific signature of this decan is the conjunction of major arcana cards Temperance and High Priestess, corresponding respectively to Sagittarius and Moon, which project through the personality type represented by Knight of Fire.
The elemental quality of Knight of Fire corresponds to Fire of Fire.
Each of the elemental Knight court cards corresponds to the Fire aspect of their respective elemental suite.
Ten of Fire, Ten Wands: Oppression
Minor Arcana, Third Decan Sagittarius corresponding to Saturn in Sagittarius.
Tarot Ten Fire, Ten Wands and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Ten express attributes of Malkuth, the tenth sphere on the QBL Tree of Life, whose title is Kingdom
Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence
There is no planetary correspondence allocated to Malkuth the sphere is ascribed to its corresponding element Atziluth Fire, Briah Water, Yetzirah Air and Assiah Earth.
The four Tens represent the physical characteristics of their element, a fixed completed force or conclusion.
Astrological Decan Allocation
This card is allocated to the third decan of Sagittarius whose planetary attribution is Saturn.
The Malkuth Saturn combination in Fire is the formula for Oppression.
With Ten Wands we witness the weight of materiality acting upon a question or individual. A condition we experience, when we undertake a challenge that we feel, is far beyond our capabilities or a sense of burden when responsibilities are perceived to exceed our stamina.
It represents a condition achieved when only force has been applied. The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima is an example.
The ethereal swift loving freedom of Sagittarius is impeded by the weight of Saturn and Malkuth. This is a cruel overbearing force primarily directed towards selfish ends and it is selfishness that is the root of this card’s influence. There is only lust as a result which ultimately leads to its own self-destruction. If ill dignified the card can express generosity but its trend is toward disinterestedness. The third decan Sagittarius can represent failure due to selfishness at the beginning of projects.
This card is Oppression
Malkuth and Saturn in Sagittarius are indicators of conservative restraint taken to an extreme that desires to quash originality and growth in others and subconsciously in one’s self.
Time and again through our journey of life we are exposed to convention which restricts or ridicules those who aspire to be more than how they presently see themselves. It takes a person with a strong sense of self and a wily personality to navigate an escape from this tyrannical labyrinth.
Tarot Ten Fire represents powerful opposition to achieving objectives. In this environment, we require the qualities of the previous card Great Strength Nine of Fire. It is not just physical strength that is required but also strength of character and belief in self to confront and overcome ridicule, to rise above the views of conventionality from family and society. This attitude is well articulated by Bob Dylan in his song “It’s Alright Ma, I’m Only Bleeding” verse 12 with the line “But rather get you down in the hole that he’s in”, because then they have an excuse for not having to work to get out themselves. Ten of Fire can evoke the chimera of the Dark Night of the Soul, a feeling that all is lost which can only be mitigated by our honest and truthful admission of our selfishness.
Personality Type
The character qualities of the court card Queen of Earth are those best suited to receive and translate the specific ancestral voice of this decan. This Queen expresses quiet qualities but is also ambitious in practical pursuits. She is kind and generous tempering the selfish drives of Ten of Fire. Representng a personality quietly going forward in her desires while being conscious of the needs of others. She has a strong instinct and acumen in problem-solving rather than what is considered intelligence.
Decan Signature
In our failure to understand what any minor arcana card is saying, we should allow ourselves to be driven back to our specific inner voice of the decan for resolution.
In this example of Tarot Ten Fire, the conjunction of major arcana cards Temperance and Universe, corresponding to Sagittarius and Saturn is the specific signature of this decan and will be projected through the personality type represented by the Queen of Earth. The elemental quality of the Queen of Earth corresponds to the human personality type Water of Earth.
It is through experiencing her personality that we can resolve the root influence within ourselves that was the cause for us to evoke and fall victim to the thraldom of the forces this card represents.
Each of the elemental Queen court cards corresponds to the Water aspect of their respective elemental suite.