Tag Archives: bicameral

Tarot Justice, Sun in Libra

Tarot Justice, Sun in Libra   Tarot Justice corresponds with the zodiac sign of Libra and represents a high ideal that is seldom achieved. A state of potential awaiting a decision. Depicting strength and force arrested the card illustrates truth originates from within and we should wait to hear the dictate of our inner voice before making a choice. The cards message in its purest form does not represent man made law but natural law that is not influenced by greed, fear and the rest of humanities short comings. Major Arcana Justice represents the archetypal voice behind the personality type […]

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Tarot Six Pentacles Six Earth

Tarot Six Earth Six Pentacles, Second Decan Taurus Tarot card meaning of Six Earth, Six Pentacles second decan Taurus. Each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered six express attributes of Tiphareth who’s title is Beauty, the sixth sphere corresponding with Sol on the QBL Tree of life. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Tiphareth is Sun and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Six” express its quality colored by their elemental suit: fire, water, air and earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL. Fire Atziluth, Water Briah, Air Yetzirah and Earth Assiah. Astrological […]

Tarot Six Pentacles Six Earth, tarot cards, tarot card reading, tarot card meaing

Origin of Human Consciousness Dramatized In Ancient Myth and Visual Art

Origin of Human Consciousness Dramatized In Ancient Myth and Visual Art I was prompted to create this post after reading The Origin of Consciousness in the Break Down of the Bicameral Mind by  Julian Jaynes and recognizing similarities to my theory of Dream Linguistics. Jaynes argues that the breakdown of the Bicameral Mind and the appearance of human consciousness can in a large part be attributed to writing. Because he could now read an individual no longer heard the words of gods or kings The once direct communication that had existed between individuals from gods and ancestors was broken. Dream […]


Princess Earth

Princess Earth Pentacles Princess Earth Pentacles is the sixteenth and final tarot Court Card and as such represents a hidden spirit or Goddess. She is the culmination and synthesis of the previous 15 Court Cards. This is symbolized by the card, as depicted in the Tarot of the Morning Star deck, as the princess holding a fox. When a fox has gone to ground, retreated to its lair, the phenomenon is referred to as the animal having gone to earth. Normally, the fox will do this to escape danger. Being the last in a sequence, Princess Earth is symbolic of […]

Princess Earth

Sun Enters Libra Life Hangs in the Balance

Libra Tarot Justice Tarot Justice corresponds with the zodiac sign of Libra. It represents a high ideal that is seldom achieved. A state of potential awaiting a decision. Depicting strength and force arrested the card illustrates truth originates from within and we should wait to hear the dictate of our inner voice before making a choice. The card does not represent man made law but natural law that is not influenced by greed, fear and the rest of humanities short comings. Justice is the archetypal  voice behind Two, Three and Four of Air.     A second revised and expanded […]

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Sun Enters Virgo, Tarot Hermit

Hermit Our Inner Guide Tarot Hermit illustrates we should be guided by the light of life symbolized by the Ancient Egyptian ankh representing his lantern. The Hermits eyes are closed symbolizing introspection, listening to the inner voice. This inner voice, according to Julian Jaynes in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, was the  hallucinated voice of the Gods and  or ancestors commonly listened to by our ancient forebears. The jackal headed figure in the background is s synthesis of Wepwawet and Anubis.  Wepwawet as “Opener of the Ways” and Anubis our protector on […]

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Sun Enters Leo Tarot Strength and Bicameral Theory

Tarot Strength Bicameral Theory Is strength taking the fruit, or refusing the fruit? As an example of a bicameral archetype for this card, Achilles is opportune because of his reactionary fixed  automatic responses to phenomena.  We should note however that his character expresses wrath and anger but not hate. When presented with a phenomena outside of himself, Achilles responds to voices from within himself. He is, to all intense and purposes, a puppet  animated and manipulated by the strings of hallucinating voices of ancestors and Gods. These automatic responses are recurrent throughout the Iliad. However, when we examine the Odyssey, with […]

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Tarot Key Chariot

Tarot Key Chariot Tarot Key Chariot depicts a triumphant individual who has harnessed learned abilities and experiences to courageously impel themselves into the pursuit of achieving their aspirations. This is not saying their projects will be successful; it is saying the individual has courage to try. Triumphant implies the person has conquered their fears to be able to attempt an enterprise. Tarot key Moon is the path travelled where fears, fuelled from previous unconscious actions, tarot key Death, are conquered. This individual is capable to attempt an enterprise because of past experiences, some successful and some not. We should remember, […]

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Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory

Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory Tarot and bicameral Mind Theory was inspired by “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” by  Julian Jaynes My rendition of The Lovers tarot card defines in its imagery the clash of modern consciousness rising within humankind, thus preempting the automatic responses of previous generations. Prior to approximately 1000 BC, bicameral mind theory is of the opinion that humans responded robotically to the impulses of nature. Heard as ancestral voices these impulses over time developed into the voices of gods. The serpent featured in the card is raw nature. […]

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