Portrait Blue Dream Portrait Blue Dream, oil on wood, 12 inches by 12 inches, 2020 The painting was created by covering the whole surface in blue paint and then removing unwanted paint with a rag to reveal the image. Final detailing was executed with a brush. Portrait Blue Dream is from a series of paintings depicting the phenomena of spirit evocation. See A Spirit. and The Religion of Dream The painting falls under the general heading Fin de Siecle which is a French phrase meaning ‘end of century’ and is applied specifically as a historical term to the end of […]
Tag Archives: dreaming
Dream Weaver: The Labyrinthine Domain of Hypnos Dream Weaver, oil on wood, 34 x 48 inches, 2021 Dreaming sleep, the realm of Hypnos, whose influence upon us is to release healing vibrations, stimulating the resolution of our conflicts. This consequence is symbolically represented in the foreground of the painting by poppy pods whose exhaling breath of lustrous trance-inducing vibrations is the vehicle of restitution. The poppies symbolize the healing balm of natural pharmaceuticals. When controlled, they provide relief from pain and suffering in contradiction to our loss of will through falling victim to their addictive qualities. The dream weaver background […]
Dreaming Within the Fields of Hypnos This painting Dreaming Within the Fields of Hypnos, oil on wood in frame, 28.5 inches by 14.75 inches. including frame, 31.25 by 17.5 inches. Original painting available from Saatchi Art. The background of the painting provides a medium for dream evocation within the viewer. The whole painting can be summed up as a transportation device. A transportation device to delve into the inner canyons of one’s mind. Dreaming Hypnos the Greek God of Sleep His first appearance in mythology is in the works of one of the earliest Greek poets, Hesiod who lived around […]
Tarot Card Meanings Tarot card meanings as an inner voice is one of man’s techniques of attempting to put order and rhythm into what appears to be our chaotic and unpredictable lives. As a species, we have a desire for safety and order which is why our minds are impelled to seek patterns in what is perceived as chaos; images seen in clouds or undergrowth are examples. The images we are presented with are generally what we need to see. In divination, we are challenged to see the reasons why we are where we are and what we need to […]
Sun Scorpio, Tarot Death Sun Scorpio, Tarot Death, illustrates the cycle of life that has little regard for individuality. It is allocated to the astrological sign of Scorpio. There is no death, only change. We do not die, we move into another realm. There is no death, only transformation. There are no ends only points on the circumference of a circle. These remarks delve into the concept that our perception of ourselves is merely a facade for a deeper entity residing within us. Our transient physical form and logical mind act as a host for our inner essence to interact […]
Howling at the Sky, Draconian Architecture and the Sabian Keys Howling at the Sky, Draconian Architecture and the Sabian Keys, a handbook of Draconian Magick. First published in 2002 and reprinted in 2013.. Howling at the Sky Draconian Magick, Standing at the Edge The allure of magick – danger Using natural phenomena as symbolic representations of inner processes, we are provided a bridge to integrate ourselves back into the fabric of the universe from which we have exiled ourselves. Once integrated, we will again be able to understand the music of the spheres and to comprehend the language of their transmissions. […]
Prometheus Cain and Wrath of God Prometheus Cain Consciousness and the Wrath of God, Oil on canvas, 72 inches by 36 inches, 2010 Buy Original Painting from Saatchi Art My painting looks at the mythological dynamic from two perspectives. It is illustrating the phenomena of enlightenment being shared prior to the punishment being executed. From the Greek perspective it is the agent of enlightenment to man, Prometheus,who is the one suffering the wrath of the Gods. In the Jewish/Christian philosophy it is the receiver of enlightenment, Eve, who suffers the wrath of God. In the background is Zeus looking down from his domain […]
Sphinx, Mystery is Energy Sphinx, Mystery is Energy, a life journey. Oil on canvas, 48 inches by 72 inches, 2010 Buy Original Painting from Saatchi Art She expresses Mystery is Energy and when she loses her mystery she dies. Represents also the mystery of our life journey. In the back ground is written the riddle of the Sphinx, in jumbled Greek letters, and in the foreground are the dead bodies of her previous lovers. The aesthetic comes to her passively in contemplation and she meets him as dynamic energy issuing from this contemplation. She confronts us to make us think, to find answers […]
Origin of Human Consciousness Dramatized In Ancient Myth and Visual Art I was prompted to create this post after reading The Origin of Consciousness in the Break Down of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes and recognizing similarities to my theory of Dream Linguistics. Jaynes argues that the breakdown of the Bicameral Mind and the appearance of human consciousness can in a large part be attributed to writing. Because he could now read an individual no longer heard the words of gods or kings The once direct communication that had existed between individuals from gods and ancestors was broken. Dream […]