Tag Archives: dreams

Tarot Key Chariot

Tarot Key Chariot Tarot Key Chariot depicts a triumphant individual who has harnessed learned abilities and experiences to courageously impel themselves into the pursuit of achieving their aspirations. This is not saying their projects will be successful; it is saying the individual has courage to try. Triumphant implies the person has conquered their fears to be able to attempt an enterprise. Tarot key Moon is the path travelled where fears, fuelled from previous unconscious actions, tarot key Death, are conquered. This individual is capable to attempt an enterprise because of past experiences, some successful and some not. We should remember, […]

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Cryptic Sphinx. A Mythological Being From Ancient Times Relevant in the Perpetual Present

Cryptic Sphinx The cryptic sphinx epitomizes awareness of a possible  event and she is symptomatic of hazard, implying an appearance of a new situation or enterprise. As the enigmatic unknown She is the as yet to be revealed future. We are not initially cognizant of consequences resulting from our engagement in her speculative opportunity, not realizing the answer to her riddle will be through our life journey.  Our voyage of opportunity is revealed through oracular revelation, which through life experience, leads to interpretation of her initial cryptic emergence. Mystery is energy and when the sphinx loses her mystery she dies. […]

Cryptic sphinx, Symbolic mythological artist, williamson. Featured as Tarot Queen of Air in Tarot of the Morning Star by Minneapolis visual artist Roger Williamson

Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory

Tarot Lovers Relative To Bicameral Mind Theory Tarot and bicameral Mind Theory was inspired by “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” by  Julian Jaynes My rendition of The Lovers tarot card defines in its imagery the clash of modern consciousness rising within humankind, thus preempting the automatic responses of previous generations. Prior to approximately 1000 BC, bicameral mind theory is of the opinion that humans responded robotically to the impulses of nature. Heard as ancestral voices these impulses over time developed into the voices of gods. The serpent featured in the card is raw nature. […]

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Odysseus Becoming Our Own Gods Odysseus a pictorial depiction of our journey through life.  Oil on canvas, 36 inches by 72 inches, 2008 refinished 2011. Buy Original Painting from Saatchi Art I originally finished The Odyssey in 2008 but then reworked it in the fall of 2011 for my show “God Factory”. In the Odyssey one witnesses a move into human consciousness, a consciousness that is not present in the Iliad. The Odyssey shows man becoming accountable and introspective,  human traits not encountered in the Iliad. Philosophy Behind the Painting The Odyssey I believe is the greatest story ever told because it is  […]

Odyssey, an original oil painting depicting events from Homers classic poem. Roger Williamson, Minneapolis artist.

Hanged Man Tarot Card, Hunting Ground Of The Paradoxical Bat

Hanged Man Tarot Card The Hanged Man tarot card represents a world where consciousness is given up to sleep and our nocturnal eidolon, in the image of a bat, is released to hunt through our dreams. Here is where the waking mind sacrifices its sense of identity to the paradoxical bat so it will be free to roam. This path corresponds to the element of water related to the powerful Plutonian depths of our subconscious minds where contact is established with other dimensional entities. Because our traditional concepts of language are not understood by the beings we encounter at these depths we […]

tarot card

Serpent Stone in Memory of Arthur Machen

Les Nadredds serpent The  Serpent Stone from Celtic mythology, an oil painting dedicated to Arthur Machen and his novel The White People. Oil on canvas, 48 inches by 36 inches.    This Serpent Stone of Celtic mythology, sometimes referred to as Adder Stone, which were believed to be created by a coming together of snakes, normally occurring in Spring, but more auspicial on May Eve. The stones, thought to be created from snakes saliva, were claimed to have magical qualities, much like mirrors, that would allow entry into the spirit world. In the Mabinogion, Peredur is given a magical stone that allows […]

Zeus and Io, Io Tells Her Story

Io Tells Her Story Oil painting on canvas, 24 inches by 48 inches, 2011. Zeus Io.  Io was, in Greek mythology, a priestess of Hera in Argos. Seduced by Zeus, he changed her into a heifer to escape detection. His wife Hera sent ever-watchful Argus with 100 eyes to guard her, but Hermes was sent to distract the guardian and slay him. Oil on canvas, 24 inches by 48 inches, 2011. My objective in creating the picture was to encapsulate in a single image the mythological journey of Io and her relationship with Zeus, Hera and Hermes. I used the same formula […]

Paintings One, Mythology, Io Tells Her Story

Black Book of the Jackal Grimoire

Black Book Jackal A navigational guide for travel within The Ancient Egyptian Book of The Dead The Black Book of the Jackal is a grimoire of the Western Occult Tradition based upon the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. Order the Regular  editions at Magus Books Order Collectable editions at Amazon Western occult tradition grimoire. Using an ingenious synthesis between the techniques of the Western Occult Tradition and the formula of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Black Book of the Jackal offers entry points to the seven ancient gates of the Egyptian Underworld. The grimoire opens with a […]

black book,grimoire,magick,Egyptian Book of the Dead,Coming Forth by Day

Guardian Angel, Shadow or Succubus

Guardian Angel, Shadow or Succubus Oil on wood, 24 inches by 24 inches, 2016 Buy the original painting now From Saatchi Art   Guardian Angel Shadow or Succubus Holy Guardian Angel Shadow, Inner Guide or Succubus represents what is our true self. Primal, ruthless and God like. The phenomena has close parallels with accounts of alien abduction and theories of bicameral mind expressed by Julian Jaynes in this book The Origins of Consciousness. See Daemon

Alien intrusion