Gone-to-Earth Gone-to-Earth, is an oil on canvas symbolic painting, 48 inches by 24 inches. Original painting available from Saatchi Art Gone to earth is to enter our inner being, where we become empowered through contact with our ancestral roots, nourished by the avatar of our power animal. It is, the healing place. Conversely, to retreat from what we see as the dangers of the world into a secret lair. To go away to a place where people will not be able to find you . Featured as Princess of Earth in Tarot of the Morning Star deck
Tag Archives: gods
Anesidora Greek Pandora Greek Pandora, Anesidora. Oil on wood panel, 96 inches by 48 inches, 2013. Price on request. Greek Pandora Anesidora, in English Pandora meaning she who sends up gifts, is a title of the Greek Pandora. It is she who releases man’s opportunities, the challenges we need to overcome so we might grow, from the vase given to her by the Gods. The word actually implies “from below” meaning within the earth This is the center panel of the triptych Fall of Man
Capricorn: Goat Mother of the Sun The Goat is the mother of the Sun, for it is in the constellation of Capricorn, whose zoomorph is a goat, that the Sun is reborn, Meaning that the Sun begins to rise again from is lowest point. Adversity is overcome by humour. The central figure displays the personality required for facing adversity, a sense of humor. This is also emphasized by the figure’s horns resembling a medieval fools cap. The spiral beard symbolizes time. The blocks below illustrate the challenges that need to be overcome so that they become the stairs to achievement. The […]
Tarot Tower Explained The Tower is destroyed from within and not from without. It symbolizes that we have reached the point in our journey where we have the courage to transcend the false idea we have of ourselves, the Tower. Escaping it we release who we truly are and see the Tower for what it is, an eidolon. Tarot of the Morning Star Tarot of the Morning Star Book Reprint
The Shaman Oil on canvas, 72 inches by 24 inches, 2009 Presently on display at Magus Books & Herbs in Minneapolis, MN The Anima Daemon Spirit
Tarot of the Morning Star book reprinted Tarot of the Morning Star was first published in 2007 as a limited edition deck and book set. This second edition of the book includes 22 pages of color images from the original deck plus several pages in color of earlier renditions of the cards not included in the original published deck. The text has also been updated and expanded. This edition is the book only, deck is not included. See Howling at the Sky Order from Amazon.com $24.95 Reviews of the first edition Silver Star a Journal of New Magick Tarot of […]
Draconian Magick Howling at the Sky, Draconian Architecture and the Sabian Keys Howling at the Sky, Draconian Architecture and the Sabian Keys, a handbook, grimoire, of Draconian Magick was first published in 2002 and has been long out of print. It has been republished and is available again. ISBN 978-1440434143 $19.95 A theory and practice manual of ceremonial magic. Using natural phenomena as symbolic representations of inner processes, we are provided a bridge to integrate ourselves back into the fabric of the universe from which we have exiled ourselves. Once integrated, we will again be able to understand the music […]
Last opportunity to experience the Chimera Exhibition this Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th. I will be at the gallery, Stevens Square Center For The Arts on Friday August 23rd from 5pm until 8pm to take visitors on a guided walk through and explanation of the images. Stevens Square Center For The Arts will also be open on Saturday August 24th and Sunday August 25th from 1pm until 5pm. See Chimera
Some of my new paintings completed in 2013 All these paintings premiered in the Chimera exhibition at Stevens Squared Center For The Arts in August 2013 Fall Herne The Hunter Flamenco Spanish Fire The Green Witch The Sphinx Dreams Her Incarnations Dream