Tag Archives: oil painting

Silver Star: A Journal of New Magick

Silver Star: A Journal of New Magick Paperback – April 3, 2023 This edition features two of my works,  Evokation and Witch: Circe Weaves Her Spell of Summoning Silver Star Journal is a unique journal of magick. Totally eclectic, with a focus on serious practical and theoretical essays, fiction, rituals, art and poetry that express The High Art: those countless aspects of magick and alchemy of the ‘Great Work’. While being in a sense a magickal child of The Horus/Maat Lodge, Silver Star is not limited in any way to being a ‘house organ’ for the Lodge. Silver Star seeks […]

Silver Star Banner

Creative Fire Viewing Hours

“The Creative Fire: Illuminations of Being” Viewing times for this exhibition in the ArtSpace Gallery at Jackson Flats 901 18 1⁄2 Avenue NE, Minneapolis 55418 This Saturday November 19th and Sunday November 20th,  11am through 4pm Saturday November 26th Closing Reception featuring a special music performance by Jason Kesselring, Comets ov Cupid. , 6pm through 10 pm. Creative Fire Exhibit viewing hours: Saturdays and Sundays (November 6-26) from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Creative Fire is an exhibition of original art works by Helga Hedgewalker, Paul B. Rucker and Roger Williamson, original founding members of the MCPA (Minneapolis Collective of Pagan Artists) have transitioned together from […]

creative fire art exhibit, Minneapolis

Final Days, Dream Linguistics

Final Days of Dream Linguistics Final days of Dream Linguistics at The University of Minnesota. Exhibition closes Friday September 30th, 2022 Larson Gallery Gallery Hours Regular hours (Sept 6 – May 5, 2023) Mon – Wed 11:00 am – 4pm Thurs – 11 am – 6 pm Fri – 11 am – 4pm Dream Linguistics Every picture is a hieroglyph concealing a story Each story is a spell evoking a picture. Dream Linguistics presents original paintings by Minneapolis visual artist Roger Williamson. The exhibition interprets the artist’s paintings as examples of nonlinear dialogue,[i], which as a method of communication, is believed […]

exhibition, art show, university of Minnesota,

Art Exhibition, Dream Linguistics

Art Exhibition, Dream Linguistics Every picture is a hieroglyph concealing a story Each story is a spell evoking a picture. This art exhibition at The Larson Gallery at The University of Minnesota presents Dream Linguistics a display of original paintings by Minneapolis visual artist Roger Williamson. The exhibition runs from August 18 to September 30 with a Reception: September 15, 5-7PM featuring a live performance by Comets ov Cupid. Exhibition Catalog available from Magus Books Gallery Hours Directions and Parking This art exhibition interprets the artist’s paintings as examples of nonlinear dialogue,¹ which as a method of communication, is believed […]

Freedom, Tarot Emperor, Sun Enters Aries

Freedom, Tarot Emperor, Sun Enters Aries Freedom is a concept rationalized through Sun Aries and depicted in the image of the major arcana tarot card Emperor. He is depicted as Lord of both worlds, Upper and Lower Egypt, symbolized by the plants of these two regions, the lotus and the papyrus. From a metaphysical perspective, these two worlds are the seen and unseen, the waking self and our subconscious self. The principles are represented in ancient Egyptian belief as our Ka, conscious self, and our Ba, our daemon, unconscious self. It is the fusion of these two principles, that bestows upon […]

Sun enters Aries, allocated to tarot major arcana card Emperor.

Mysterious Moon

Tarot Moon Pisces Sun Mysterious Moon, Tarot Moon Pisces Sun corresponding to the major arcana tarot card Moon represents a period of dissolution depicting the end of a cycle. When referring to a cycle within the context of the following description, we must remember we are the cycle within what appears to be the sphere of the cosmos. Because Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, it represents the closing of our annual journey through the astrological signs. Tarot Moon, the card corresponding to Pisces, therefore graphically illustrates this closing of a cycle. At this stage of the sequence […]

Moon major arcana tarot card

Sun in Aquarius, Tarot Star

Sun in Aquarius, Tarot Star Sun in Aquarius corresponding to tarot card Star its meaning and explanation. The female figure at the center of the card symbolically illustrates the subconscious influence behind the Key, Tarot Star depicts a vague celestial body in the night sky. The top of the card is mirrored below by a seed, a seed that is being planted by the female figure, a magical act: or, discovering a seed through association with our shadow, an act of divination. As the sky is seeded above, so the world is seeded below.  As above, so below. The Star […]

Sun in Aquarius, Tarot Star

First Decan Sagittarius

First Decan Sagittarius Tarot Eight Fire, Wands: Swiftness First decan Sagittarius corresponds to Eight Fire and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Eight express attributes of Hod, the eighth sphere on the QBL Tree of life, whose title is Splendor.   Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Hod is Mercury and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Eight” exhibit this astrological body’s quality coloured by their corresponding elemental suit of fire, water, air or earth.   These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire: Atziluth, Water: Briah, Air: Yetzirah and Earth: Assiah. Astrological Decan Allocation […]

Tarot Eight Fire, Eight Wands

Sun In Libra

Sun in Libra Tarot Justice Sun in Libra corresponds to the Tarot Major Arcana card, Justice. This card symbolizes an ideal that is often challenging to attain—a state of potential awaiting a decision. True strength and clarity come from within, urging us to heed our inner voice before making a choice. The message conveyed by the Justice card pertains to natural law, not humanities laws. Natural law is a system unswayed by human greed, fear, or other shortcomings. According to bicameral mind theory, this tarot card can represent the instinctive mind acting without emotion. It responds automatically and unequivocally to […]

Sun in Libra, tarot major arcana card Justice.