A Luciferian Parable , The Sun at Night The Luciferian parable The Sun at Night, revised, expanded, hand numbered and signed limited edition Available now from Magus Books ISBN 978-0-9993813-2-8 Price $80.00 First published in 1989 by Vann Press and reprinted in 1997 by Eshaton Productions. This 2020 release of The Sun at Night is an expanded, revised and limited hand-numbered hardcover edition in a color dust jacket. The Sun At Night follows its protagonist from his early remembrances of his mother’s tales of secret controlling powers behind the facade of the mundane world and into his encounters, involvement, and growth within […]
Tag Archives: astral projection
Available Now The Sun at Night The Sun at Night, 2020 expanded and revised edition limited to 111 signed and hand numbered copies by Minneapolis author artist Roger Williamson. Available from Magus Books The Sun at Night Expanded and Revised Edition Just as the Sun at Night will rise, so over time all things hidden will become revealed. This is the tale of one man’s struggle with the mundane world and his awakening to the powerful occult concepts which run beneath it. First published in 1989 by Vann Press and reprinted in 1997 by Eshaton Productions. This 2020 release of The […]
Portrait Blue Dream Portrait Blue Dream, oil on wood, 12 inches by 12 inches, 2020 The painting was created by covering the whole surface in blue paint and then removing unwanted paint with a rag to reveal the image. Final detailing was executed with a brush. Portrait Blue Dream is from a series of paintings depicting the phenomena of spirit evocation. See A Spirit. and The Religion of Dream The painting falls under the general heading Fin de Siecle which is a French phrase meaning ‘end of century’ and is applied specifically as a historical term to the end of […]
Dream Weaver: The Labyrinthine Domain of Hypnos Dream Weaver, oil on wood, 24 x 48 inches, 2021 Dreaming sleep, the realm of Hypnos, whose influence upon us is to release healing vibrations, stimulating the resolution of our conflicts. This consequence is symbolically represented in the foreground of the painting by poppy pods whose exhaling breath of lustrous trance-inducing vibrations is the vehicle of restitution. The poppies symbolize the healing balm of natural pharmaceuticals. When controlled, they provide relief from pain and suffering in contradiction to our loss of will through falling victim to their addictive qualities. The dream weaver background […]
Dreaming Within the Fields of Hypnos This painting Dreaming Within the Fields of Hypnos, oil on wood in frame, 28.5 inches by 14.75 inches. including frame, 31.25 by 17.5 inches. Original painting available from Saatchi Art. The background of the painting provides a medium for dream evocation within the viewer. The whole painting can be summed up as a transportation device. A transportation device to delve into the inner canyons of one’s mind. Dreaming Hypnos the Greek God of Sleep His first appearance in mythology is in the works of one of the earliest Greek poets, Hesiod who lived around […]
Tarot Four Fire, Four Wands, Perfected Work Tarot Four Fire, Four Wands, and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Four exhibit attributes of Chesed the fourth sephira of the QBL. Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Chesed is Jupiter and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered “Four” express this planetary character, individualized by their specific elemental quality of either Fire, Water, Air or Earth, Wands, Cups, Swords, or Pentacles. The astrological attributes of Jupiter are summed up as representing a beneficial influence of nature. However, the expansive quality associated with Jupiter can result in excess and a tendency […]
A Spirit Spirit is a painting by by Minneapolis visual artist Roger Williamson This modern symbolic painting is an, oil on canvas, 12 inches by 12 inches, 2010, $645 Purchase original painting from Saatchi Art Spirit was featured in MIA Foot in the Door 2010 and in my short movie Invitation to the Quest Spirits manifest into our realm through multiple vehicles, images seen in clouds, undergrowth, incense smoke and the artists canvas. There is an example of this phenomena in Lore of Prosperine by Maurice Hewlett chapter A Boy in the Wood. The following is an extract from A Boy […]
Tarot Card Moon Sun Enters Pisces Tarot card Moon associated with the Sun in Pisces represents a period of dissolution depicting the end of a cycle. When referring to cycle within the context of the following description, we must remember we are the cycle within what appears to be the sphere of the cosmos. The image of the tarot card Moon is taken from the Tarot of the Morning Star deck. Pisces being the final sign of the zodiac, represents the closing of our journey through the astrological signs. Tarot Moon, the card corresponding to Pisces, therefore graphically illustrates this […]
Magick Spell I Called And Something Came Magick Spell oil on canvas, 20 inches by 16 inches, 2017 Purchase the original painting at Saatchi Art The appearance of the spirit, which can often be seen in incense smoke, has close parallels to what is known as pareidolia, to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern, or the human ability to see shapes or make pictures out of randomness. The concept of pareidolia leaves us wondering whether the spirits are within or without, or maybe both. What are these energies? Like ourselves they are systems […]