Sun Enters Gemini, Tarot Card Lovers Sun in Gemini, tarot card Lovers, represents the duality of our brain on the point of becoming conscious. The duality of the brain is illustrated by the union of the Maiden and the Serpent. The figure descending from the sky is the appearance of human consciousness and self-awareness. Inspiration for my depiction of the Lovers card came from Paolo Uccello’s painting of Saint George and the Dragon. The Influence of Paolo Uccello’s Painting Upon the Lovers On a first glance at Paolo Uccello’s painting, it seems the male hero rescues the maiden from the clutches of a […]
Tag Archives: tarot paintings
Princess Pentacles Princess of Earth, Princess of Pentacles representing Earth of Earth. Taken from Tarot of the Morning Star deck.Tarot Princess Earth Pentacles is the sixteenth and final tarot Court Card and as such represents a hidden spirit or Goddess. She is the culmination and synthesis of the previous 15 Court Cards. This is symbolized by the card, as depicted in the Tarot of the Morning Star deck, as the princess holding a fox. When a fox has gone to ground, and retreated to its lair, the phenomenon is referred to as the animal having gone to earth. Normally, the […]
Tarot Seven Pentacles, Failure, Minor Arcana, Third Decan Taurus Tarot Seven Pentacles Each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Seven express attributes of Netzach, whose title is Victory, the seventh sphere corresponding with Venus on the QBL Tree of life. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Netzach is Venus and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Seven” express its quality colored by their elemental suit: fire, water, air and earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL: Fire Atziluth, Water Briah, Air Yetzirah and Earth Assiah. Astrological Decan Allocation Tarot Seven Earth, Seven Pentacles, […]
Tarot Six Earth Six Pentacles, Second Decan Taurus Tarot card meaning of Six Earth, Six Pentacles second decan Taurus. Each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered six express attributes of Tiphareth who’s title is Beauty, the sixth sphere corresponding with Sol on the QBL Tree of life. Sephirothic Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Tiphareth is Sun and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Six” express its quality colored by their elemental suit: fire, water, air and earth. These four suits correspond to the four worlds of the QBL. Fire Atziluth, Water Briah, Air Yetzirah and Earth Assiah. Astrological […]
Taurus Sun Hierophant Taurus Sun Tarot Hierophant represents a quality within us that registers an awareness of phenomenon. It is not the elucidation of the phenomenon but the bringing to our attention that there is something of which we are not cognizant. Admitting we are in the dark about a subject is our door to learning about it. Overcoming fear to enter the dark is our next step on the path to cognition of the paradox. See Tarot Hermit and Tarot Devil In the foreground of the card the scroll of life unfolds and as it does so the Duat, symbolic of […]
Tarot Five Earth, Five Pentacles Tarot Five Pentacles and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered 5 express violence, conflict, fear and unsettled influences. This is because 5 is the number of Geburah the sphere associated with Mars on the QBL Tree of life. Five Earth, Material Trouble, corresponds to the first decan of the astrological sign Taurus and the planetary attribution of the decan is Mercury. The Major Arcana card attribution to Taurus is the Hierophant. Material Trouble Material Trouble is the title of Five Earth representing the first decan of the astrological sign of Taurus. This first decan […]
Tarot Four Fire, Four Wands, Perfected Work Tarot Four Fire, Four Wands, and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Four exhibit attributes of Chesed the fourth sephira of the QBL. Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Chesed is Jupiter and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered “Four” express this planetary character, individualized by their specific elemental quality of either Fire, Water, Air or Earth, Wands, Cups, Swords, or Pentacles. The astrological attributes of Jupiter are summed up as representing a beneficial influence of nature. However, the expansive quality associated with Jupiter can result in excess and a tendency […]
Tarot Three Fire Three of Wands,Virtue Tarot Three Fire Three of Wands and each of the other minor arcana cards, numbered Three, exhibit characteristics ascribed to Binah, the third sephirah of the QBL Tree of Life. Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Binah is Saturn and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Three” express this quality colored by their specific elemental suit: fire, water, air and earth. In Astrology, the energies of Saturn are construction, reliability, patience, tradition and stability bringing cohesion and crystallization to projects and ideas. Saturn represents time, illustrating the card brings expertise as a result […]
Tarot Card Moon Sun Enters Pisces Tarot card Moon associated with the Sun in Pisces represents a period of dissolution depicting the end of a cycle. When referring to cycle within the context of the following description, we must remember we are the cycle within what appears to be the sphere of the cosmos. The image of the tarot card Moon is taken from the Tarot of the Morning Star deck. Pisces being the final sign of the zodiac, represents the closing of our journey through the astrological signs. Tarot Moon, the card corresponding to Pisces, therefore graphically illustrates this […]