All posts by migration

Tarot Justice, Sun in Libra

Tarot Justice, Sun in Libra   Tarot Justice corresponds with the zodiac sign of Libra and represents a high ideal that is seldom achieved. A state of potential awaiting a decision. Depicting strength and force arrested the card illustrates truth originates from within and we should wait to hear the dictate of our inner voice before making a choice. The cards message in its purest form does not represent man made law but natural law that is not influenced by greed, fear and the rest of humanities short comings. Major Arcana Justice represents the archetypal voice behind the personality type […]

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Tarot Card Ace Meaning

Tarot Card Ace Appearance of Tarot Ace in a Reading Tarot card Ace indicates potential only for a specific elemental current to appear or disappear. It is signiffing conditions are conducive for the entrance or retreat of the elemental current it represents. In a reading, we are alerted to an element’s potential  presence by its Ace. The elemental development will become apparent by the flow of cards that follow. Being without polarity, an Ace is neutral. Because of adjacent or subsequent cards, its ionization will determine its corresponding element’s appearance, or disappearance. It will be positive or negative depending on […]

Tarot Three Wands Second Decan Aries

Tarot Three Wands Second Decan Aries Tarot Three Wands Three of Fire and each of the other minor arcana cards, numbered Three, exhibit characteristics ascribed to Binah, the third sephirah of the QBL Tree of Life. Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Binah is Saturn and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Three” express this quality colored by their specific  elemental suit: fire, water, air and earth. In Astrology, the energies of Saturn are construction, reliability, patience, tradition and stability bringing cohesion and crystallization to projects and ideas. Saturn represents time, illustrating that the card brings expertise as a […]

tarot three fire, three wands

Sun Scorpio Tarot Death

Sun Enters Scorpio: Embracing Transformation Sun Scorpio, Tarot Death, illustrates the cycle of life that has little regard for individuality. It is allocated to the astrological sign of Scorpio. In the realm of Scorpio, the idea of death is not an end but a metamorphosis. We don’t cease to exist; we transition to another realm, experiencing transformation rather than termination. There are no ends—only new beginnings on the circular journey of existence. These reflections hint at the notion that our external identity is just a veneer for a deeper essence within. Our temporary physical form and analytical mind are only […]

tarot death,transformation,scorpio,rebirth

Howling at the Sky

Howling at the Sky, Draconian Architecture and the Sabian Keys Howling at the Sky, Draconian Architecture and the Sabian Keys, a handbook of Draconian Magick. First published in 2002 and reprinted in 2013.. Howling at the Sky Draconian Magick, Standing at the Edge The allure of magick – danger Using natural phenomena as symbolic representations of inner processes, we are provided a bridge to integrate ourselves back into the fabric of the universe from which we have exiled ourselves.  Once integrated, we will again be able to understand the music of the spheres and to comprehend the language of their transmissions. […]

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Sun Virgo Tarot Hermit Self Healing

Sun Virgo Tarot Hermit Sun in Virgo corresponds to the major arcana tarot card Hermit. Close examination of the card reveals the eyes of the Hermit are closed, symbolizing answers to questions are obtained through introspection and the seeking  elucidation from from within. The Hermit derives resolution to uncertainty from learned personal experience, recalled through inner voice, in contradiction to relying on influences of society, media and social convention. This inner voice, according to Julian Jaynes in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, was the voice of Gods and ancestors commonly listened to […]

black book of the jackal

Orpheus Eurydice

Orpheus Eurydice: Don’t Look Back Orpheus Eurydice, Oil on canvas, 36 inches by 72 inches, 2011 Buy original painting from Saatchi Gallery The most famous story in which Orpheus figures is that of his wife Eurydice and her attempted return from the underworld. While walking in tall grass at her wedding, Eurydice was set upon by a satyr.  In her efforts to escape the satyr, Eurydice fell into a nest of vipers and suffered a fatal bite on her heel. Her body was discovered by Orpheus who, overcome with grief, played such sad and mournful songs that all the nymphs […]

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Sun Enters Gemini, Tarot Card Lovers

Sun Enters Gemini, Tarot Card Lovers Sun in Gemini, tarot card Lovers, represents the duality of our brain on the point of becoming conscious. The duality of the brain is illustrated by the union of the Maiden and the Serpent. The figure descending from the sky is the appearance of human consciousness and self-awareness. Inspiration for my depiction of the Lovers card came from Paolo Uccello’s  painting of Saint George and the Dragon. The Influence of Paolo Uccello’s Painting Upon the Lovers On a first glance at Paolo Uccello’s painting, it seems the male hero rescues the maiden from the clutches of a […]

Sun in Gemini, tarot Major Arcana Lovers.

Princess Pentacles, Princess Earth

Princess Pentacles Princess of Earth, Princess of Pentacles representing Earth of Earth. Taken from Tarot of the Morning Star deck.Tarot Princess Earth Pentacles is the sixteenth and final tarot Court Card and as such represents a hidden spirit or Goddess. She is the culmination and synthesis of the previous 15 Court Cards. This is symbolized by the card, as depicted in the Tarot of the Morning Star deck, as the princess holding a fox. When a fox has gone to ground, and retreated to its lair, the phenomenon is referred to as the animal having gone to earth. Normally, the […]

Princess Earth