Taurus Sun Hierophant Taurus Sun Tarot Hierophant represents a quality within us that registers an awareness of phenomenon. It is not the elucidation of the phenomenon but the bringing to our attention that there is something of which we are not cognizant. Admitting we are in the dark about a subject is our door to learning about it. Overcoming fear to enter the dark is our next step on the path to cognition of the paradox. See Tarot Hermit and Tarot Devil In the foreground of the card the scroll of life unfolds and as it does so the Duat, symbolic of […]
Tarot Five Earth, Five Pentacles Tarot Five Pentacles and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered 5 express violence, conflict, fear and unsettled influences. This is because 5 is the number of Geburah the sphere associated with Mars on the QBL Tree of life. Five Earth, Material Trouble, corresponds to the first decan of the astrological sign Taurus and the planetary attribution of the decan is Mercury. The Major Arcana card attribution to Taurus is the Hierophant. Material Trouble Material Trouble is the title of Five Earth representing the first decan of the astrological sign of Taurus. This first decan […]
Origin of Human Consciousness Dramatized In Ancient Myth and Visual Art I was prompted to create this post after reading The Origin of Consciousness in the Break Down of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes and recognizing similarities to my theory of Dream Linguistics. Jaynes argues that the breakdown of the Bicameral Mind and the appearance of human consciousness can in a large part be attributed to writing. Because he could now read an individual no longer heard the words of gods or kings The once direct communication that had existed between individuals from gods and ancestors was broken. Dream […]
Tarot Four Fire, Four Wands, Perfected Work Tarot Four Fire, Four Wands, and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered Four exhibit attributes of Chesed the fourth sephira of the QBL. Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Chesed is Jupiter and each of the Minor Arcana cards numbered “Four” express this planetary character, individualized by their specific elemental quality of either Fire, Water, Air or Earth, Wands, Cups, Swords, or Pentacles. The astrological attributes of Jupiter are summed up as representing a beneficial influence of nature. However, the expansive quality associated with Jupiter can result in excess and a tendency […]
A Spirit Spirit is a painting by by Minneapolis visual artist Roger Williamson This modern symbolic painting is an, oil on canvas, 12 inches by 12 inches, 2010, $645 Purchase original painting from Saatchi Art Spirit was featured in MIA Foot in the Door 2010 and in my short movie Invitation to the Quest Spirits manifest into our realm through multiple vehicles, images seen in clouds, undergrowth, incense smoke and the artists canvas. There is an example of this phenomena in Lore of Prosperine by Maurice Hewlett chapter A Boy in the Wood. The following is an extract from A Boy […]
Tarot Three Fire Three of Wands,Virtue Tarot Three Fire Three of Wands and each of the other minor arcana cards, numbered Three, exhibit characteristics ascribed to Binah, the third sephirah of the QBL Tree of Life. Planetary Correspondence The planetary correspondence of Binah is Saturn and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Three” express this quality colored by their specific elemental suit: fire, water, air and earth. In Astrology, the energies of Saturn are construction, reliability, patience, tradition and stability bringing cohesion and crystallization to projects and ideas. Saturn represents time, illustrating the card brings expertise as a result […]
Tarot Card Moon Sun Enters Pisces Tarot card Moon associated with the Sun in Pisces represents a period of dissolution depicting the end of a cycle. When referring to cycle within the context of the following description, we must remember we are the cycle within what appears to be the sphere of the cosmos. The image of the tarot card Moon is taken from the Tarot of the Morning Star deck. Pisces being the final sign of the zodiac, represents the closing of our journey through the astrological signs. Tarot Moon, the card corresponding to Pisces, therefore graphically illustrates this […]
Tarot Two Wands, Two of Fire, Dominion Tarot Two Wands and each of the other minor arcana cards, numbered Two, exhibit qualities ascribed to Chokmah, the second sephirah of the QBL Tree of Life. The planetary quality of Chokmah is Uranus and each of the minor arcana cards numbered “Two” express its quality colored by the cards elemental suit: fire, water, air and earth. In Astrology, the energies of Uranus are explosive and electric, bringing dramatic change. Uranus is forward-looking. It recoils against tradition, and extols originality and individuality. Uranus is associated with technology, innovation, discovery, and all that is […]
Tarot Card Star Sun Enters Aquarius Tarot card Star meaning and explanation. The female figure at the center of Tarot Star, is symbolically illustrating the subconscious influence behind the Key, Tarot Star depicts a vague celestial body in the night sky. The top of the card is mirrored below by a seed, a seed that is being planted by the female figure, a magical act: or, discovering a seed in our shadow, an act of divination. As the sky is seeded above, so the world is seeded below. As above, so below. The Star is an emergence of an unknown future […]